of the camera during the soanning of the photogram.
In this equation, the 12 unknown parameters are present and the measu
rements accomplished are present in the terms t * t .
L [ de dil eyoz £2 nollógà
et us establish, however, that an equatio f this type homogéneous
in the three linear parameters
(n) 5 lon BY DS AP) im) ae
Cb - 03 zy Yay Ui) 7 0)? 8
We can therefore obtain the values of the relations between them, and
not their values. In other words, if a system of equations of this type
were utilized for ths relative orientation of the two beams, we would obtain
only a relative orientation of the angular type, i.e., we would only know
the directions of the two oriented beams and the direction of the conjunc
tion of the photographing points. In order to give a definite scale to the
model we have to introduce an equation into the system which is not homoge
neous in the three parameters 8). For this purpose, the altitude Z of a
point of terrain being established (it may be arbitrary, however), we can
use relation e):
(p) (p) (p) (p)
LUN) A zu 9)
x1) e V x(2) (1) X
sis that the 6 parameters of orientation of the first beam (X
z(0), Y (QUO ) and the altitude Z_ of the point on the ground are
a datretily os 1dp1iShda, and the values of SET (4 ; Sym(4 (901) Át 43
Bel e being known, it is desired to obtain the 12 Cn EET parameters
which ario the orientation of the second beams, The 11 equations of the
type 7) are written for 11 pairs of homologous radii and one equation of
the type 9) is written for one pre-established pair ofhomologous radii.
Through the difficulty inherent in the accomplishment of the computa
tion (we are dealing with a system of transcendental equations), the pro
blem of relative orientation is thus resolved in so far as, the values of
the coordinates and of the tangents of direction satisfying the 1? equatims
being known, it is possible by means of 5), 5’); 6), 6') to compute the coor
dinates of the points of intersection of the homologous radii. These, toge
ther with the coordinates of the photographing points, can then be subjected
to transformation, The terrain coordinates will be thus defined for all
3 H
We designate this equation the "scaling equation", a (1) v m
1 1
Of course, in the computation stage, redundant equations will be uti
lized and the method of least squares will be used.
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