Full text: Proceedings of a symposium held at University College London, 9 - 13 August 1971

e two 
on II.3 
ir the 
Wi is the apriori weight matrix for the exterior orientation 
parameters of the ;'^ camera station. 
n is the number of measurements on the jth photograph. 
The assumption will also be made that the x and y measurements are 
uncorrelated and hence the weight matrix "i in equation 7 will 
always be a diagonal matrix. When an additional point, measured 
on the ith photograph, is to be added to the solution, the new 
N: is, 
p P a aH au 8 
6,6 6,6 6,2 2,2 2,6 
N: is the normal equation matrix including the new measurement. 
N. is the normal equation matrix before the measurement is added. 
At this point it should be noted that each equation of the B 
matrix could be added to the N. matrix individually with the same 
results provided that >, is a diagonal matrix. Equation 8 may now 
be written as, 
Tt - TR T T 
N: = N. + b. Wy b, + by Wy, by 9 
6,6 6,5 6,1 1,1 1,6 6,1 1,1) 1,6 
where b, and 8, are the first and second rows of the B matrix. 
The scalar weight numbers W, and " are associated with the x or 
y measurement. 
Returning to equation 5, v may now be written as, 

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