Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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3.1 Request for another project 
In a letter to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 
31.10.02, SGA requested for continued financial support for the 
establishment and improvement of cadastral and topographic 
maps, real estate registers and geographic data in Croatia. Two 
weeks later this was accepted and the Ministry allocated 
another 10 million NOK. 
3.2 Main objectives and components 
This new project supports and expedites a number of planned 
initiatives to establish real estate registers, topographic maps 
and geographic data infrastructure for Croatia. The main 
components are: 
l. Production of digital cadastral maps. 
2. Scanning and vectorising existing topographic maps in 
scale 1:5000. 
Enhancing the capacity at CGI to control quality of 
geodetic works. 
4. Establish geographic information system for the 
National Park of Kornati. 
5. Project administration, monitoring and awareness 
Request for offer: As a part of the CRONO GIP II project, the 
Norwegian Mapping Authority has agreed with SGA and CGI 
to support certain activities of the program with foreign 
advisors. The contract for the above points 1 and 2, was 
assigned to ProCaptura as a natural extension of their services. 
The next points needed some advisory services that ideally 
could be provided by PMM and the parties accepted an offer 
from PMM. 
3.3 The extended contract with ProCaptura 
l. Extension and support for the cadastral mapping project. 
2. Data conversion of topographic maps. 
3. Development of procedures for the cadastral data 
conversion project and an intermediate database solution 
for storage, retrieval and distribution of digital cadastral 
3.3.1 Capacity at regional offices: The capacity developed 
by the first joint Croatian — Norwegian project to establish 
digital cadastre data, will be implemented in all 20 regional 
offices. These offices will be provided with equipment and get 
the training and support needed for doing the vectorisation of 
scanned data. 
3.3.2 Temporary database: ProCaptura shall develop a 
minimum database solution at SGA for storage and distribution 
of digital cadastral data to users. This database will be a 
preliminary solution until a final integrated cadastre and real 
estate register system is developed and implemented under the 
World Bank financed project. The temporary solution will 
largely build on the system for topographic maps developed 
under CRONO GIP I. 
3.3.3 Contracting  vectorisation to private sector: 
Outsourcing of the vectorisation process to the private sector is 
important to further speed up the process of building the 
cadastral database with data for the whole country. ProCaptura 
will develop a framework for this outsourcing. 
3.3.4 Vectorisation: At least 1000 cadastral map sheets will 
be vectorised as part of rolling out the methodology to all 
regions and involving the private sector. This is an important 
opportunity for technology transfer. 
3.3.5 Loading the database: The above referred data will be 
loaded into the central database at SGA. 
3.3.6 Dissemination: Procedure for distribution of cadastral 
data to users will be demonstrated. 
3.3.7 Maintenance: A methodology for the continuous 
maintenance shall be developed and implemented. This 
solution will last for some years, until the final cadastral 
database is developed and implemented under the World Bank 
3.4 Extension of the cadastral project 
The extension to all regional offices is divided in 3 different 
phases related to delivery date and number of workstations to 
the regional offices. 
l. 5 additional workstations in first part of 2003. 
2. lO additional workstations late in 2003. 
3. 5 additional workstations in 2004. 
3.4.1 Workstations and storage: The above mentioned 3 
phases are for rolling out the methodology already implemented 
at the central level, to all 20 regional offices. Every office will 
have a Linux workstation installed and 3 days support and 
training. An extra RAID storage device of 800 Gb is needed. 
3.42 Consulting and extended support etc: For the 
implementation of phase 1 — 3 we have estimated a need of 3 
months consulting services. This is related to specifications, 
data model, infrastructure, back-up routines, interface to other 
systems etc. 
Extended support after implementation and training will include 
technical development to reduce conversion time and increase 
the production. 
3.5 Intermediate database solution and data production 
Procedures will be developed for better performance and better 
quality assurance. 
The offer from ProCaptura includes the following issues: 
1. Prepare objectives and scopes. 
2. Develop product descriptions for digital cadastre 
3. Prepare process descriptions and describe standard 
working procedures for vectorisation of cadastre maps. 
4. Develop bid documents and draft contracts for 
vectorisation of cadastre maps. 
5. Develop quality assurance system for vectorisation of 
cadastre maps. 
6. Develop reporting routines for problem solving and 
support issues regarding the distributed data conversion 

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