Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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AVHRR model. Other types of interpolation functions include 
polynomial, method of thin plate Spline and method of Rational 
functions. This wide diversity of interpolation functions allows 
to select the most appropriate model depending on the data 
source and the available geodetic data. 
The orthophoto generation process is applied to separate photos 
or parts of them. In the process of ortho generation the 
parameters of interpolation are important. Different methods of 
image interpolation could be selected: nearest neighbour, 
bilinear, cubic, sinx/x for windows sizes 8x8 or 16x16. There 
are possible methods for interpolation with filtration — average, 
median, gausian. The process of final othophoto generation 
requires the mosaicing of orthos by cutting lines. The definition 
of cut lines could be made manually by operator or 
automatically based on selected criteria. Usually the cut lines 
are chosen to follow the boundaries of the objects. 
3.4 3-D Digitising 
The digitising process requires processing in stereo 
measurement mode. The predefined types of primitive objects 
are usually used. It could be selected various relation between 
the coordinate and attribute information. Some systems allow 
definition only of graphical attributes of elements but the other 
make it possible to define more complex description of attribute 
information. For such systems the solution for minimum 
required attribute information is important to give the user 
possibility to focus mainly on coordinate information instead of 
the attribute one. In this mode it is possible to digitize poins, 
polylines and closed contours. The editing functions allow 
inserting, deleting or moving the vertex position. 
The functional features of OrthoEngine allows to develop two 
digital technologies for collection of digital information. The 
first one is based on producing digital orthomosaic and 2D on 
screen digitising with the final result the production of vector 
and atribute description of objects. The table structures include 
the property boundaries, street borders and building outlines. 
The data are collected as set of arcs with their relation and their 
properties. The structure of information in stereo digitising 
mode is the same. It allows describing the objects with their 
relative conjunctions. Stereo digitising mode is more reliable 
then 2D digitising but require more power from the processing 
computer. The data from orthophoto could be combined with 
vector data for cartographic grid. 
4.1 Structure of tables 
Table fields at the stage of data capture are different from the 
final database. Their structure is defined to ensure automatic 
generation of data structure and to ensure check of topology. 
They have some redundancy to ensure the check. 
The fields for table for streets are shown below. The name of 
graphic layer is street. 
EKNM Quarter num Bound type 
Uniform ID Quarter number Boundary type 
Table 2. Quarter boundaries description 
Atribute fields of internal boundaries are shown in table of 
property boundaries. Vector layer is named Property. 
EKNM Name Class Cover 
Uniform ID Name of the Road class Cover type 
Table 1. Street boundary description 
Table of external boundaries has the following structure. The 
vector field name is quarter. 
EKNM Quarter num Imot num | Owner 
Uniform ID Quarter Property | Owner 
number number 
Bound type Imot r Imot | 
Boundary Right Left 
type property property 
Table 3. Property boundaries 
In description of adjacent polygons is used the direction of 
contour tracing. In case of change the property ID the new 
boundary segment is started. 
Attribute fields for building description are shown in the next 
table. The name of vector layer is building. 
EKNM Quarter num Imot num 
Uniform Quarter Property 
ID number number 
Owner Build type Stages ^ 
Owner name Building Number of 
type stages 
Table 4. Building description 
The structure of tables allows capturing additional information 
simultaneously with the process of data collection. Additional 
fileds ensure verificaion of the accuracy of registered 
4.2 3D feature extraction 
Two methods of digitising are used. First technology is based 
on 3D digitising in stereo mode. The second mode uses ortho 
images of the area generated by orthorectification. 
Working in stereo mode generates more precised results but is 
more time consuming and requires the usage of high technology 
system for digital photogrammetry. 
The process of data collection is separated in two stages. 
Attribute information for ID, boundary type and cover type is 
captured in OrthoEngine. Information about adjacency, owner 
identification is defined in ArcView system. For support of this 
process is used orthophoto image of the same area, produced by 
orthorectification of images. Such approach helps the correct 
identification of objects. The applied technique requires 
entering of minimal additional information at the stage of 
digitising but ensure data for additional checks of arcs and 
contor identification at the stage of data conversion in the finall 
data base. 
The example of working window in 3D digitising mode is 
shown in figure 1. 

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