Full text: Geoinformation for practice

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requirements and determinate that 3D map is a computer made, 
mathematical defined, three-dimensional high-realistic 
landscape presentation together with all nature and artificial 
objects and phenomenon. These kinds of presentations allow 
users to observe the presentation exactly on the same way like 
observe reality (Bandrova,1998). 
Designing of a 3D map depends on the expected use and users’ 
needs. For easier understanding, cartographic model contents 
can be divided into three groups: main content, secondary 
content and additional content. Main content consists of objects 
and phenomena that have the essential importance for the users. 
The first of all there is relief presentation, which is the 
fundamental part of every 3D model. Relief is determined as a 
space surface, defined as a triangular mesh (TIN) or rectangular 
mesh (DEM). There are also other objects of main importance. 
They should be presented accented, clearly visible and 
distinctive. A lot of authors suggest, that they should appear as 
similar to the real ones. But here we can come into conflict. If 
we want that 3D model presentation have communication 
function of 2D maps we have to include symbolization system. 
Some objects are too similar in reality and they do not “jump” 
from the surroundings, as they should according to their 
importance to the users. The other reason is the need of using 
different levels of detail in different observation distance in 
perspective view. There are also technical reasons: dynamic 
presentations can be faster and visibility of a symbol in limited 
resolution (screen or paper print from printer) is better. Users 
are familiar with contemporary 2D maps and symbols on 3D 
maps should follow those on 2D maps. They shouldn’t be too 
geometric because such signs don’t attract users’ attention 
(Rojc,1986). In the group of secondary content we can find 
objects and phenomena that give the complete impression of 
landscape, but they don’t have any significant importance for 
users. Land cover, hydrology, less important buildings and other 
structures, administrative boundaries could be recognized as 
secondary content. They should be presented by quite simplified 
and unaccented symbols that lead to less complex and faster 
visualization. Reality can be very effectively replaced by 
fractals, textures and images, e.g. as the presentation of forest or 
rock area. With increased observation distance presentation of 
secondary content can be efficiently presented as a color surface 
covering DTM. The last group, called additional content 
consists of data, which are not regular part of presentations. 
Additional content is presented exclusively on users demand. In 
fact it is an addition explanation or illustration of particular 
objects of main content. It can be just a record of horizontal and 
vertical position of an object or a complete and huge detailed 
description of it. Several types are possible: written text, 
speaking, or even both which leads a much more efficient 
memorizing process; hyperlink, picture, movie, specific voice. 
The advantage of content organized this way is that even very 
huge amounts of additional content data have no influence on 
visualization speed. 
Every object in reality is a 3D body. Some of them have one or 
two predominant dimensions and this influence on 
cartographers chose how to present them on the map. In 2D 
maps design we use point, line and area symbols. Using six 
Bertin’s variables (color, shape, texture, direction, size and 
brightness) various sets of different map symbols can be made 
(Bertin, 1974). In 3D presentations basic graphical elements 
(point, line, area — polygon) are supplemented with volumetric 
3D object. All landscape objects and phenomena are placed on 
the terrain model, presented with appropriate symbol. 
Geometric point 3D symbols are suitable for presenting mostly 
man-made point objects, like buildings, churches, monuments, 
etc (figure la). Such symbol consists of simple geometric 
bodies. Its size and shape is fixed for selected object type and 
selected level of detail. Some point-like objects, especially 
natural-made, like trees, bushes, waterfalls etc. can be better 
presented with typical realistic (real-like) point 3D symbols 
(figure 1b). 
Figure 2. a) Geometric and b) realistic point 3D symbol, c) line 
3D symbol and d) surface in a 3D space. 
Objects with one predominant dimension and mostly fixed other 
dimensions, like roads, railways, power lines, oil pipelines, 
smaller watercourses, fences etc. are usually presented as a line 
3D symbols (figure 1c). Area 3D symbols can be used for 
objects where only one dimension (often height) is mostly fixed 
(figure 1d). Such objects can be forest, orchard, or even blanket 
of snow. Area 3D symbols can be constructed as a filled solid 
body or, most common, as a mesh of points with different 
density. The last options are volumetric 3D symbols, where 
every single object is presented with its exact real dimensions 
along all three coordinate axes. Typical examples are large and 
important (mostly man-made) objects and also water bodies, 
like lakes, sea and large rivers. 
Using of Bertin's variables in 3D presentations is slightly 
different like in 2D maps. In perspective views close objects are 
clearly visible and bigger like distant ones. Therefore we cannot 
use the variation of Bertin's variations only for distinguish 
different object types. Every object type should have different 
appearances according to the distance between observation 
point and an object. Since we cannot perform linear transition 
we have to decide to limited number of discrete steps — different 
map symbols for the same object type; similar as map symbols 
for 2D maps at different scales. Usually we call them levels of 
detail (LOD). Figure 2 shows map symbol for a church in four 
levels of detail. Symbols for close objects are quite realistic 
looked, bright, made with irregular shapes and detailed. With 
increased distance symbols became simplified, darker, less 
detailed and geometric (Petrovic, 2001). 
Figure 3. 3D cartographic symbol for church in four LOD. 

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