Full text: Geoinformation for practice

ong the 
lution of 
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cm) after 
n on the 
from the 
station in 
Bari and with that of Brindisi (in post-processing elaboration) 
that has contributed, a lot, to the resolution of the ambiguities 
and the obtainment of a good result. 
The analysis of the gotten data notices the constancy (linearity) 
of the accuracy in the comparisons. 
The results obtainable by this experimentation will be very 
useful both to verify the real accuracy of TIM GeoData System, 
and for certification of the results accuracy by a competent 
institution, in sight of national standards for the verification of 
the measuraments through GPS. 
Surace L.: "The new national geodetic IGM95 network: results 
and use perspectives "- Boll. GG.SS.AA. n.3, 97 
M. Caprioli: "Importance and role of the GPS permanent 
national network for topographic and professional application". 
- ASI-CGS, Matera, 1997 
M. Capriodi , P. De Fazio "Experiences of D.G.P.S 
measurament with Gsm telephones " — 4^ ASITA, Genova 2000 
M. Gatti, F. Negroni: "Experimental test for territorial and 
geo-topographical survey with TIM GPS network"- Geomedia, 
G. Lachapelle,A. Pugliano "Posizionamento GPS Network 
RTK: il metodo Multiref^, Bollettino SIFET n.3, 2002. 
“GPS System 500 - Technical reference Manual”, 
http://www.business.tim.it (accessed June. 2002) 
The authors thank the ing. A. CABRUCCI, Managing Director 
of Leica Geosystem s.p.a. for the " precious" availability and 

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