Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

ODER Satellite remote sensing data contained in the data pool of DARA/DLR from the Oder-Flood 1997 
Satellite / Sensor Number Acqui- | Covered area remarks, cloud conditions 
of scenes | sition date 
Landsat-TM ] 22.07.97 | Oderhaff to Frankfurt/Oder no clouds 
IRS-1C LISS ] 25.07.97 | Oderhaff to Frankfurt/O very cloudy 
IRS-1C LISS ] 30.07.97 | Warthe and Oder in Poland very cloudy 
IRS-1C LISS ] 16.09.97 | Oderbruch no clouds 
IRS-1C PAN 1 16.09.97 | Oderbruch no clouds 
MSU-E ] 10.08.97 | Oderhaff to Frankfurt/O no clouds 
Radarsat (standard) ] 20.07.97 | Wroclaw area (Poland) 
Radarsat (Fine) 2 23.07.97 | Oderbruch to Neille mouth 
Radarsat (Fine) 3 27.07.97 | Szczecin to Oderbruch 
e events, Radarsat (standard) 3 30.07.97 | Gartz to NeiBe 15 m resolution 
and the Radarsat (Fine) 4 02.08.97 | Schwedt to Neiße 
Radarsat (Fine) 2 09.08.97 | Hohensaaten to Eisenhüttenstadt 
datapool Radarsat (Fine) | 27.08.97 | Oderbruch 
ARSAT), Radarsat (Fine) | 02.09.97 | Oder/NeiBe mouth 
ctral and ERS-2 l 12.07.97 | Opole 
ERS-2 4 15.07.97 | Poland 
he flood ERS-2 1 21.07.97 | Frankfurt/Oder, Eisenhiittenstadt 
Nein are ERS-1 l 05.08.97 | Frankfur/Oder 
ERS-2 l 06.08.97 | Frankfurt/Oder, Poland 
Table 1: Scheme of the satellite remote sensing data as part of the data pool ,,Oder - flood 1997“ of the DARA/DLR 
und der 
r Mangel 1.1.2 SAR data. The active microwave instruments of the 1.2 Airborne remote sensing data 
lagement European ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites, in orbit since 1991 and 
1995 respectively, operate in the C-Band with approximately 1.2.1 Historical airborne images. Historical aerial photo- 
entur fur 5.3 Ghz (5.6 cm) in vertical parallel polarisation. The images 2^ Inf 
iedlicher have a ground Dn of bmi 30 m and ee graphs ple a valuable Dasic informaron sous and especially 
It. Dabei ards of 100 x^ 100 rg: "Tre Canadian ’Radarsat "oneratin contain information concerning the soil features as well as the 
area o , 9n E developement and changes of the land use structure. More 
pektralen since 1996, has a different polarisation (HH) and a better detai ne E 535 : : 
; etailed information about the location, the date and time and 
s $i ground resolution of about 15 m (standard mode) or even 8 m the availability of the photos taken before, during and after 
über das (fine mode). The area covered by the standard mode scene is World War Il Cit] Ari 
MES ; : i or ar II are accessible at Federal Archive, Department 
aus den the same as for the ERS satellites, the fine mode scenes are a of Aerial Images and Maps (Bundesarchiv, Luftbild- und 
quarter of that area (of 50 x 50 km?). Another difference is Kartenarchiv) In" Berlin and the State [iba in Berlin. 
connected with the different viewing angle of the Radarsat and ids ; 
the ERS satellite sensors. The A of radar images are GR m er MES CEST HERE Bern ; Proms her 
in the first line connected with the dielectrical features of the coficerning me récent dur "photographs (e.g. from the 
yn. More material and with the surface (roughness and structure) of the former GDR) are at the Regional Surveying Office of 
satellite objects. Unlike optical sensors SAR systems do not have a Brandenburg (Landesvermessungsamt Brandenburg) and the 
in a pre- defined orbital pattern, and a permanent path or row number Regional Office for Geoscience and Ressources of 
ject. The for an area of interest can not be determined. So the orbits are Brandenburg (Landesamt für  Geowissenschaften ^ und 
ed out at subsequently numbered and the location of each scene must be Rohstoffe Brandenburg). 
hem also extracted from the coordinates given in the file header. 
1.1.3 Other satellite data. Images of non-operational satellite m AUT men nag ae 
- remote remote sensing systems like MOMS were not available for the tie DARA initiative .ODER-HOCHWASSER" carried out to 
ets in the Oder flood, the same is valid for images of the Russian high test new modern digital airborne cameras and scanners for the 
A es resolution space cameras. purpose of the documentation of flood events, for the 
sat- , 
ns ; DPA HRSC Daedalus — | RMK 
V x oD Flight altitude ca. 2300 m ca. 3400 m ca. 3500 m 
vered by swath length (scanned area) ca. 140 km ca. 20 km ca. 120 km 
180 km" | swath width ca. 3200 m ca. 700 m ca. 6500 m 5250 m 
A of ‘the Overlapping 30 % 40 % 30 % 13 % / 60% 
ilities of Ground resolution: PAN (Stereo) 0,27 m 0,135 m Scale: 
direction Multispektral 0,55 m 0,135x0,54 8,3 m im Nadir ] : 20.000 
a Table2: . Selected technical parameters of the airborne remote sensing systems applied during the Oder flood 1997 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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