Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

| physical 
a local 
' in areas 
ial and of 
4.2.1: Validation of Mapping: In order to validate the 
results. 102 control points were selected using stratified sample 
to compare the produced maps with reality. 
All the control points were correctly represented in the map. 
This means that. in spite of some deficiencies. the model 
mirrors the reality and the environmental problems. 
Table 2 - Urban Land Use Classes and The Relation With 
the Physical Potential Classes 
Urban Land Use 
(percentage of each class considering the 
physical potential of the study area) 
physical Residen. | Con Expos. | Other Total 
potential Ind/Ser | Soil 
Suitable areas || 0.3% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% 0.3% 
Some 7.4% 8.9% 5.8% 0.8% 6.9% 
Favourable 32.4% 37.8% | 21.4% 15.1% | 29.1 
areas % 
Severe 41.7% 40.8% | 39.5% | 27.2% | 41.3 
restrictions % 
Inadequated 18% 119% | 32.5% | 309% | 20% 
Outcrop 0.2% 0.0% 0.4% 258% | 2.4% 
Here are some examples: an area classified as favourable to be 
occupied is an industry (an oil refinary). which is located in an 
arca where could be found other human activity, like a 
residential district: an area classified as inadequate in terms of 
human occupation is an upper-class suburb located in a hill of 
high slope associated to Podzolic soil. which means that this 
area could not be occupied: another example of that class is a 
“favela” (slum) located in a hill near a spring (figures 5. 6. and 
7. respectively). 
This rescarch tested a methodology to make easy the 
metropolitan areas studies. It also tested the integration between 
remote sensing and GIS technologies applied to urban planning. 
Considering this. the methodology. developed and 
tested. showed that the integration may be used by planners 
who work with urban areas. and also be used to evaluate the 
urban growth process ant its consequences. 
Although limitations exist in the methodology. 
mainly associated to the data collected. its use relatively simple, 
has been demonstrated within acceptable accuracy expectations. 
The authors are thankful to Dr. Bruce Forster. 
associated professor of the University of New South Wales. 
Sydney. Australia, for giving valuable contributions. which 
helped to solve many problems. This research was partially 
supported by  Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento 
Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq. 
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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 221 

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