Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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There are also a number of advantages that are of enor- 
mous significance for practical image application. There is 
no need, for instance, to arrange complex and very expen- 
sive fly-overs by specialist companies. Images can also be 
procured retrospectively and costs per surface unit are 
considerably lower. Direct digital registration of image data 
can likewise be regarded as a benefit, though with the aid 
of DPA (digital photogrammetry assembly) cameras this will 
also be possible with aerial-image fly-overs in future. 
One disadvantage of satellite image technology at present, 
viz. the long repetition times of approx. 24 days, which in 
conjunction with the meteorological conditions required for 
optical recording processes results in comparatively few 
(frequently too few!) usable shots being taken per year, is 
set to be rectified, with repetition times of 1-3 days being 
targeted (see Table 1). 
Up to 1996, it has to be said that developments in the satel- 
lite image market were sluggish. The only real innovation, 
delivering a geometric resolution of 1-2 metres, were the 
photographic images of the Russian KFA-1000 and KVR- 
1000 cameras from the Cosmos range, launched in the 
early 90s. But since neither continuous data registration nor 
reliable distribution could be assured, elementary prerequi- 
sites for the operational deployment of these images in 
spatial planning were not in place. 
The Indian IRS-1C and IRS-1D satellites that have been in 
orbit since 1996 and 1997 respectively have ushered in 
frenetic developments in satellite-based remote sensing. 
Data that can be searched for via the Internet have opened 
up radically new areas of resolution and proved, as is 
shown below, to be ideal for use in spatial planning. The 
recording system was developed specifically with terrestrial 
requirements in mind, satellite remote sensing being of the 
utmost significance especially for large countries like India 
whose national cartographic recording systems are still 
relatively speaking in their infancy. 
Besides the surge of innovation in the spheres of sensing, 
telematics and information-processing technology (proces- 
sors, memories, etc.), recent advances in the satellite ima- 
ge market are also in the final analysis rooted in the ending 
of the Cold War. Technology that was previously reserved 
for military defence is now pressing a claim for application 
and marketing in the civil sector. The commercialisation of 
remote sensing from space that can be discerned is cau- 
sing its development to be further accelerated and directly 
benefiting the user by leading to more user-friendly satellite 
In the USA alone, four new commercial suppliers will be 
marketing image products over the next two years with a 
geometric resolution of between one and five metres. Ta- 
ble 1 provides a run-down of the new satellite systems. 
Likewise, a major qualitative leap in data marketing is envi- 
saged with these data. Image search, selection and sale 
will be simplified, rendered more flexible, and significantly 
speeded up by the Internet. The new systems will also 
make it possible in future to acquire data to order by direc- 
ting the sensor at a preselected area. Delivery times (from 
recording to supply) will be very markedly reduced (« 2 
days) and product prices will also come down further. 
Data from the Indian IRS-1C remote sensing satellite are 
being assessed within the framework of a project entitled 
"Potential uses of the latest high resolution satellite imagery 
for regional planning" and funded by the German Research 
Community. The area under investigation is the Dresden 
urban region and the basis of studies, which commenced in 
November 1997, are one panchromatic and one multispec- 
tral IRS-1C scene from 16 September 1997. 
Company System ISRO Earth Watch Earth Watch Orbimage Space imaging 
IRS 1C/1D "EarlyBird" "QuickBird" "Orb-View 3" "IKONOS" 
Starting date 1996 1997/98 1999 1/1999 1998 
Orbiting height (km) 800 470 470 470 470 
Recording modes PAN' MS? PAN' MS? PAN’ MS? PAN' MS? PAN' MS? 
Geometric resolution (m) 5.8 23.0 3 15 0.82 3.28 yo 4 1 4 
Radiometric resolution (bit) 6 7 8 8 11 11 ? ? 11 11 
Spectral resolution 1 34 1 3 1 4 1 4 1 4 
(number of channels) 
Strip width (km) 70 142 11 55 22 8 11 
Repetition rate (days) 24 2-5 1-2 e 1-3 
Scale of map 1:25,000 1:15,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 1:5,000 
PAN = panchromatic; MS = multispectral 
Table 1: New commercial high-resolution satellite sensors 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 251 

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