Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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IRS-1C PAN full scene 
IRS-1C LISS lll quarter scene 
Recording date 16.09.96 16.09.97 
Scene size 70*70 km 70*70 km 
Rectification base TK25 georeferences PAN scene 
Number of pass/monitoring points 160/21 95/35 
Pass point accuracy RMSE, 0.45 pixels / 2.6 m 0.20 pixels / 4.6 m 
RMSE, 0.64 pixels / 3.2 m 0.26 pixels / 6.0 m 
RMSE... 0.78 pixels / 3.9 m 0.33 pixels / 7.6 m 
Monitoring point accuracy RMSE, 0.49 pixels / 2.5 m 0.12 pixels / 2.8 m 
RMSE, 0.45 pixels / 2.3 m 0.14 pixels / 3.2 m 
RMSE... 0.67 pixels / 3.4 m 0.18 pixels / 4.1 m 
Table 3: Rectification error of IRS-1C data 
4.4 Atmospheric Adjustment 
Given the ever improving resolution of satellite imagery, 
atmospheric adjustment will assume great significance in 
future. Change detection methods and the application of 
absolute spectral signatures for land-use classifications 
both necessitate atmospheric adjustment. There are now 
very high-performance program packages with good ope- 
rational attributes available which can also be deployed in 
mountainous terrain, being capable of compensating for 
relief-related lighting discrepancies (ATCORS, Richter, 
1997). Atmospheric adjustment of data was effected in the 
research project using the ATCOR3 program and having 
recourse to a relief model (grid width 25 m, altitude accura- 
cy approx. 15 m in mountains). (This section was covered 
by R. Richter [DLR], to whom many thanks!) By converting 
intensity values into relative reflection values, the atmo- 
sphere and lighting-adjusted image products become far 
easier to interpret and classify, shady slopes being better 
illuminated for example. Whereas the intensity values of the 
visual green and red channels are reduced by atmospheric 
adjustment, those in the near-infrared channel are raised in 
the middle and more effectively differentiated. Following 
atmospheric adjustment in NIR, surface waters for instance 
have reflection values of 0 % whilst lush vegetation produ- 
ces a 60 %-plus reading. 
4.5 IRS-1C PAN and LISS Image Merge Products 
Image merging has the objective of producing the image 
products best suited to a given task of interpretation. Spati- 
al resolution and colour rendition play a decisive part in 
this. High spatial resolution can be achieved without sacrifi- 
cing the colour information required for surface evaluation 
by combining high-resolution panchromatic images with 
multispectral data records. Important colour composites are 
the real-colour and the infrared representations (the latter 
particularly so for assessments of vegetation). Real-colour 
products can be calculated even if, as in multispectral IRS- 
1C data, the blue channel is missing (cf. Schumacher, 
Calculating colour composites from IRS-1C data proved 
more difficult than had been expected. The end-results 
were unconvincing as regards both their sharpness of detail 
(incomplete imaging of high-resolution panchromatic infor- 
mation) and their colour fidelity (incomplete retention of 
multispectral information). The reason for this may be that 
the panchromatic image only covers two spectral bands of 
the multispectral image (visible green and red), near-in- 
frared lies beyond the panchromatic spectral range, and 
hence congruency of imaging between the panchromatic 
and the multispectral does not obtain. 
IHS transformation (IHS), principal component transforma- 
tion (PC), and procedures originated by Brovey (B) were 
tested for their capacity to produce colour composites. The 
best visual results were yielded by the PC process. The 
IHS and B methods produced significantly less well-focu- 
sed results. The quality of the PC results, however, de- 
pends on the image section selected. At the time of writing, 
therefore, a need for further research can be discerned 
where the generation of optimum colour composites based 
on IRS-1C imagery is concerned. 
4.6 Overlaying IRS Data with other Geodata 
An overlay with geographical base data, data from the Offi- 
cial Topographic-Cartographic Information System (ATKIS) 
for instance, can facilitate the creation of digital or analogue 
cartographic bases that are ideal for visual interpretation. 
The superimposition of vectoral data records is also neces- 
sary for the assessment of segregated surface units or 
even for their up-dating. Visually estimating the dimensions 
of structural utilisation within a construction block, for ex- 
ample, is eminently feasible by superimposing the construc- 
tion-block boundaries. Furthermore, the vector data records 
can themselves be up-dated by means of image interpreta- 
tion (e.g. up-dating of land-use planning, regional planning, 
ATKIS, biotope mapping). Figure 1 shows the IRS PAN 
image with construction-block vector data overlaid. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 253 

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