Figure 1: IRS-1C PAN with construction-block overlay (City of Dresden)
5.1 Regional Planning
Regional planning is rapidly gaining in status in Germany.
It has the task of providing a link between land-use plan-
ning (FNP) by municipalities and the land development
plan. Its planning scale is 1:100,000, though the underlying
data are often of 1:25,000 scale. Regional planning regards
IRS colour composites as a very good planning foundation.
Where the past is concerned, a lack of information on cur-
rent land use and in particular disclosures regarding built-
up areas is cited. Land use is still surveyed on the basis of
topographical .maps and ground inspections. Land-use
classification using IRS colour composites or through inter-
pretation of an image composite would be of enormous
benefit here.
5.2 Urban Planning
First experiences and conversations with urban planners
with regard to the deployment of IRS-1C imagery yielded
the following areas of application:
- üp-dating of the municipal development plan by incorpo-
rating actual land use (through on-screen digitalisation of
the MDP on the basis of underlaid IRS data)
- actual-use mapping
- surface sealing cartography (classification on the basis of
the NDVI vegetation index or else visual assessment
within construction blocks in 5 classes)
- base data procurement for newly incorporated lands
- overview of land potential
- overview of land-use conflicts
- delimiting of settlement areas
A written survey of over 500 institutions in Germany was
initiated in March 1998 as a means of acquiring spatially
comprehensive and statistically very safe pronouncements
on demand for remote sensing data and on advanced IT
equipment levels at spatial planning departments and envi-
ronmental agencies. Its findings were not available when
this material went to press.
5.3 Environmental Protection
Wide-ranging discussions with municipal surveyors on the
suitability of IRS colour composites led to the following
conclusions: a system of urban mapping by structure type
(detached/terraced housing, mansion district, block con-
struction etc.) has an important part to play in urban ecolo-
gy, since structure types point up significant ecological
features of lands. For one thing, they can be used to esti-
mate the degree of surface sealing. Urban structure types
can be extrapolated with excellent clarity using a 1:25,000
scale image. The issue of relief models was addressed
repeatedly, these being crucial to the identification of ero-
254 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
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Figure 2: II