Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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In practice a few assumption have to be made in order to be 
able to make a correction model feasible. The most 
important prerequisite is defining the object as an 
approximate Lambertian surface. This comes close to the 
actual reflection behaviour in many cases, in particular for 
imagery taken with sensors whose “poor” resolving power is 
not able to distinguish between small object details. 
Minnaert [1941] developed a simple BRDF (1) for correcting 
the shading and illumination effects of celestial bodies by 
slightly modifying the rules that would apply for ideal 
Lambertian surfaces. 
g orig 
g = 
7" . cos*()-cos*(e) 
where g are the greyvalues of the original image and the 
corrected image, respectively. k is the so-called Minnaert 
constant, the unknown that has to be determined. i is the 
incidence angle of the illuminating light beam and e is the 
exitance angle, which is approximately the terrain slope 
assuming a very narrow field of view, so that the observing 
direction is more or less constant over the entire sensed 
area and perpendicular to a horizontal plane. In the case of 
the common Earth observation satellites, such as Landsat 
TM, SPOT or IRS this assumption is justified. If the sun 
position is known for the given acquisition time and date, / 
as well as e can be calculated with the help of a terrain 
model. One can see that for k=1 Minnaert's formula 
corresponds to the Lambertian reflection behaviour. 
Though this simple approach cannot fulfil the reality, it is 
commonly used and/or slightly modified on the one hand, 
on the other hand it is rejected by those researches who 
clearly see the limitations and who aim at a more universal 
and physically based solution. Our oppinion is that a 
satisfying and thorough model is still far from realisation. 
Too many influences with hardly determinable parameters, 
such as mutual illumination of objects, atmospheric effects 
like skylight or airlight, deteriorate the radiance of the object 
surface leading to the impossibility of obtaining the 
characteristic spectral properties from the acquired grey- 
values with feasible effort. 
In order to find a rather primitive and generally applicable, 
though still approximate, algorithm we propose an extended 
Minnaert approach, whose parameters can be determined 
from the original greyvalues of the image, the digital terrain 
model, and a few assumptions that might look obscure at 
the first sight although, as the experience shows, are 
fulfilled in many cases. 
Firstly, a few considerations should give some hints how the 
Minnaert model could be extended: 
a. Satellite images show low contrast in the short wave 
channels due to skylight. Even not directly illuminated 
regions (i.e. areas with sun incidence angles greater 
than 90°) appear to be illuminated. This illumunination is 
not that apparent in infrared, for instance. 
b. The above Minnaert model applies a multiplication factor 
(in other words a contrast enhancement factor) to the 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
original greyvalues that is inversely related to the cosine 
of the incidence angle. In any case this factor for 
incidence angles towards 90? becomes infinite very 
rapidly independent of the actual contrast between 
directly illuminated parts and unilluminated regions. 
c. In (1) the correcting influence of the exitance or ob- 
.servation angle is strictly connected to the incidence 
angle and is solely driven by the magnitude of the 
Minnaert constant k. Only in case k=1 an influence of 
the observation direction does not exist. 
ad a: The skylight influence must not be neglected even by 
a simple model, otherwise the result will never be 
satisfactory in particular in the short wave ranges. (We 
shall see later that the entire visible spectrum is more or 
less heavily subjected to skylight). Therefore, the 
improved model must contain a parameter that is able to 
adjust to the actual influence of skylight or ambient light. 
ad b: The k-parameter controls the steepness of the cosine 
function. The less k the wider the range of incidence 
angles with low contribution to the radiometric 
correction. In other words, for k-values near 0 there is a 
marginal contrast enhancement from i = 0° up to rather 
great indicent angles. Then, close to i = 90° the 
steepness increases rapidly and the contrast 
enhancement during correction will be overrated 
significantly. For that reason many known approaches 
exclude areas with / near 90° from correction. 
ad c: Although the observation angle of the object has 
certainly some influence to the detected radiance, we 
are convinced that the sole modelling by the parameter 
k is not - even not approximately - satisfactory for the 
great majority of object classes. (We should always 
bear in mind, that Minnaert developed his formula for a 
very different purpose). If taken into consideration, the 
effect of the observing direction must be modelled inde- 
pendently. Our suggestion is therefore to exclude e (or 
possibly another more appropriate derivative) from the 
global correction we are aiming to, at least in the first 
step of our development. 
The new augmented approach has still the same basic form 
of Minneart's formula, ie: 
9cor = orig‘ Ki,8,0,5) 
Wil Kom ln ne (2) 
f(cosi): f(cose,s) 
f(cosit) - t«(1-0):cos*i 
f(cose,s) = $«(1-S):cos*e - (1-s)+s-cos*e 3) 
Let us call ¢ skylight term and s slope term. Both are within 
the interval [0,...,1]. They describe the percentage of the 
influence of the respective error source for incidence angles 
around 90°. Figure 1 shows the graph of the above 
functions. The idea behind is, that the contribution of 
ambient light to directly lit areas remains negligibly small, 
while it increases with growing / but never so much that the " 
function exceeds its maximum of 1.The constant extension 
to angles greater than 90° is justified because there is 
primarily the influence of the diffuse skylight illumination and 
therefore no deciding necessity to take into account any 
incidence angle. 

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