Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

ban scenes 
posed end- 
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their envi- 
, cars (1)) 
ysical phe- 
nomena in object space. Depending on the level of grouping, 
extracted features convey information that can be related to 
physical phenomena in the object space. Obviously, features 
extracted from different sensors should be fused when they 
have been caused by the same physical property. Generally, 
the further the spectral bands are apart the lesser the fea- 
tures extracted from them are caused by the same events. 
On the other hand as the level of abstraction increases, more 
and more different phenomena are described and need to be 
As pleasing as the object recognition paradigm on the con- 
ceptual level is, its implementation on the algorithmic level 
is flawed. As pointed out by several researchers (e.g. Mayer 
1998), the models currently used for describing objects to 
be mapped, are weak. Often, there is a representational in- 
compatibility between data and object model which, in turn, 
causes the matching to fail. With multispectral and multi- 
sensor data available, objects can be modeled more distinctly 
and, equally important, closer to what one can extract from 
sensory input data. 
7 Acknowledgements 
The authors would like to thank William Krabill, NASA WFF 
and Jim Lucas, NGS, for their help and great support in ob- 
taining the multisensor data set at the Ocean City study site. 
We also greatly appreciate the help of those who acquired 
and processed the data. 
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