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Adaptive Image Fusion and the Local Mean Matching
procedure is developed to maintain the radiometric
characteristic of the input data.
In the data fusion procedures only the SPOT-XS'95 and
the IRS-1C '97 data were used according to their similar
phenological characteristics.
The Brovey transformation ( in POHL 1996 ) was
developed by Bob Brovey combining spatially high
resolution data sets with multispectral data.
DN, d
Die TN DN, DN. DN res (1)
POHL (1996)
The advantage of Brovey-transform is based in the very
naturally looking image and a better fusion result in
comparison to IHS-transform ( Stuart Nixon, 1995 ).
Additionally to the Brovey transformation the Adaptive
Image Fusion STEINNOCHER (1997) procedure was
applied to the SPOT XS- and the IRS-1C data set .
Adaptive Image Fusion (AIF)
Using a moving window the AIF will detect spectral class
borders in the subset based on the high resolution data of
the PAN - image. For all pixels of the same spectral class
inside the border a mean value will be computed and
stored in the output image.
The procedure of AIF is described in the IEEE
International Geoscience and Remote Sensing
Symposium Proceedings 1997,
Local Mean Matching
The Local Mean Matching procedure was developed by
De Bethune, 1997 to maintain the spectral characteristic
of multispectral input data.
3E * i,j(w,h)
1, j(w,h)
Fa represents the fusion value at the position i,j, while
H; is the variable for the high resolution and Lu, for the
low resolution data at position i,j. The ratio is calculating
the mean value of a window of the multispectral image
divided through the window mean value of the high
resolution image. The window size in this procedure was
fixed to 3x3 pixels.
The three fusion images were classified using the same
training data set like in the layerstack classification.
For the classification of the data sets the two common
used classification procedures of
Maximum Likelihood (ML)
Minimum Distance (MD)
were used, because these procedures are standards
available to most end-users.
Accuracy Assessment
The selection of reference samples in the investigation
area was based on random sample points. In contrast to
the stratified random sampling, which is preferred to
analyse the accuracy of the classes, the random
sampling in this project was use to evaluate the different
classification results in the term of total classification
The calculation of the random sample points was carried
out by the use of ERDAS IMAGINE accuracy assessment
tool. The geodetic coordinates of the random points were
exported to a FORTRAN-Program, which calculated
squared areas around this points. After that all reference
areas were overlaid on the topographic map and printed
out as detailed map in the scale of 1: 5.000.
Field Work
The discovery of the sample areas in the field was planed
by the use of a GPS-System and the topographic map.
For the GPS work two MAGELLAN-GPS-Systems from
the department of Forest Biometrics were available.
These systems are working without the online correction
of the position. The position can be corrected using a
postprocessing procedure.
Already during the first measures under the crown closure
the sampling of 4 GPS-satellites for the calculation of
position was impossible or needs more than 30 Minutes
per sample point. This was a intolerable handicap of the
accuracy assessment.
The consequence of this handicap was the direct use of
detailed maps for discovery of the sample areas in the
field. Arrived at the sample areas the predesigned
admission maps were completed with vector graphics for
landuse classes and a special code number.
Reference data into GIS
Based on the geodetic random sample points the
integration of the reference data maps was carried out.
The vector graphics were digitised, attributed with the
landuse code and stored as a coverage.
The classified images from all classification procedures
were converted from raster to vector coverages using the
command "GRIDPOLY" in ARC/INFO. The goal of this
process was to overlay the classification on the reference
cover to calculate the classification accuracy.
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 373