Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

to FAO,1984. 
. Both methods (RUSLE and FAO) measure the following 
factors ,which affect the amounts of soil loss by water 
erosion in the field : erosivity of the rains;erodability of the 
soil ;topography; vegetation and tillage. The interaction of 
the above factors affect water erosion . 
Since "erosivity" has a low value in the studied area 
(R:40.6) according to RUSLE , and no conservation 
practices (e.g. tillage) are applied the other three factors 
determine the severity of the process 
Keeping in mind the importance of the relief factor in 
the water erosion process,the following algorithm was espe- 
cially developed for this study,in order to highlight it: 
1. [((TM 3- TM 2)*500]/(TM 3 * TM 2) 
This index was displayed in the red channel and 
combined with : 
2) TM 3/TM 4 displayed in the green channel and 
3){[ ( TM4-TM3)/(TM4 + TM3)]+0.5}*0.5 (SAVI,Huete 
,1988)in the blue channel. 
The first channel highlights relief. ** 
The second channel (combination of red and NIR reflec- 
tance) gives information on surface changes due to rain- 
fall (2) which is correlated with bare soil (figure 4) and 
the third channel is the Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index 
(8)which is strongly linked with the vegetation cover measu- 
red in the field (12) in Winter and Summer, at the same date 
of the satellite path and results are shown in figure 3. 
Relief,erodability and vegetation are in this case the 
most important parameters in water erosion process; and all 
of them are enhanced by the set of indexes (WEEN) 
A triangle scheme (figure 5) was developed to predict the 
different levels of water erosion through the colours 
appearing on the screen, following the variations of colours 
along the sides of the triangle. 
A visual comparison was performed between the conven- 
tional water erosion mapping units and the WEEN enhace- 
ment results can be seen in figure 2. 
**This relief index was assigned to the first channel 
(red) when displayed in the screen because human eyes 
can separate features better in this color even with 
medium to low contrast. (Pratz, 1978). 
In the wet season the sites from moderate degree on of 
water erosion are best identified using the WEEN set of 
indexes .The importance of highlighting this level is that the 
largest area is affected by a moderate water erosion degree 
(Table 4).The sites with severe erosion degree can also be 
detected using Principal Components. 
In the dry season,only PCA enhacement shows water 
erosion from severe degree onwards in the test 
sites. Moderate degree was not detected by any 
It was found that WEEN was the best algorithm to detect 
the studied process in its early stages because it 
highlights relief, erodability and vegetation principal active 
factors in this area. This possibility is fundamental for the 
planning of erosion prevention practices. 
TABLE 1:Soil loss tons/ha and year 
Less than 10 Tn/ha/year: slight 
10 to 50 Tn/ha/year: moderate 
50 to 200 Tn/ha/year: severe 
more than 200 Tn/ha/year: very severe 
1 13 5.85 
2 29.8 110 
3 280 280 
4 108 48.6 
5 15 0.5 
6 254.6 62.4 
7 78 58,7 
8 0 0 
386 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
2: Fi 

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