Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

3.5 ISD Algorithm 
The Iterative Self-Organizing Data Analysis Technique 
(ISODATA) is a widely used clustering algorithm (Tou and 
Gonzalez, 1977; Sabins, 1987). ISODATA represents a fairly 
comprehensive set of heuristic (rule-of thumb) procedures that 
have been incorporated into an iterative classification 
algorithm. Many of the steps incorporated into the algorithm 
are a result of experience gained through experimentation. 
ISODATA calculates class means evenly distributed in the data 
space and then iteratively clusters the remaining pixels using 
minimum distance techniques. Each iteration recalculates 
means and reclassifies pixels with respect to the new means. 
This process continues until the number of pixels in each class 
changes by less than the selected pixel change threshold or the 
maximum number of iterations is reached. 
3.6 Accuracy Evaluation for Classification Map 
The overall accuracy and KAPPA analysis were used to 
perform classification accuracy assessment based on error 
matrix analysis. By using simple descriptive statistics 
technique, overall accuracy is computed by dividing the total 
correct (sum of the major diagonal) by the total number of 
pixels in the error matrix. KAPPA analysis is a discrete 
multivariate technique of use in accuracy assessment 
(Congalton and Mead, 1983; Jensen, 1996). KAPPA analysis 
yields a. K,. statistic (an estimate of KAPPA) that is a measure 
of agreement or accuracy (Congalton, 1991). The K,. statistic 
is computed as 
o iei (11) 
where r is the number of rows in the matrix, X; is the number 
of observations in row i and column i, and X;, and X,, are 
the marginal totals for row i and column i, respectively, and N 
is the total number of observations. 
Remotely sensed data processing, including preprocessing, 
vegetation index computation, false color composite, etc. were 
carried out using two software packages, ENVI and 
CITYSTAR. ENVI (the Environment for Visualizing Images) 
is a "state-of-the-art image processing system designed from 
the ground up to provide turn-key data visualization and 
analysis of satellite and aircraft remote sensing data” 
(Research Systems, Inc., 1996). CITYSTAR is an integrated 
remote sensing, GIS and GPS multimedia system, developed 
by the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, Peking University, 
China. The microcomputer-based CITYSTAR system is mainly 
composed of such subsystems as graphic edit, graphic view, 
thematic map plot, remote sensing analysis, remote sensing 
imagery mapping, remote sensing image processing, DEM & 
DTM production, 3-D analysis, spatial analysis, GPS, etc. 
4.1 Image Preprocessing 
With constraints such as spatial, spectral, temporal and 
radiometric resolution, relatively simple remote sensing 
devices can not record the complex Earth’s land and water 
surface well. Consequently, error creeps into the data 
acquisition process and can degrade the quality of the remote 
sensor data collected. Therefore, it is necessary to preprocess 
the remotely sensed data prior to actually analyzing it. As a 
kind of commercially remote sensor data, the radiometric and 
systematic geometric errors of Landsat TM data have been 
removed by the data provider, while the unsystematic 
geometric error remains in the image. The unsystematic errors 
of the Landsat TM data were corrected before the analysis of 
land cover change. 
4.2 Vegetation Index Computation 
Vegetation index indicates the amount of green vegetation, , 
which is useful and important for land cover identification 
because the cover of land on the earth are mostly vegetation. 
Much of the research in the measurement of vegetative amount 
and condition has involved in the analysis of remote sensing 
spectral measurements (e.g., Landsat multispectral scanner 
(MSS), TM, NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution 
Radiometer (AVHRR), SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV), 
etc). Various models have been developed to express 
vegetation index, such as Vegetation Index (VI), Ratio 
Vegetation Index (RVI), Normalized Difference Vegetation 
Index (NDVI), etc. NDVI model used to compute the 
vegetation indexes in this study is (Rouse et al., 1973) 
NDVI- TM4-TM3 (12) 
TM4 + TM3 
where TM3, TM4 are gray values of TM band 3 and band 4, 
43 False Color Composite 
In order to perform training data collection, it is necessary to 
make false color composite images. It's composed of two steps. 
The first step is to test composite schemes by using Landsat 
TM data acquired on May 20, 1993, with a) selecting 3 
optimum bands from the 7 bands; b) using all 7 bands; and c) 
using all 7 bands and NDVI. The second step is to perform 
false color composition for all dates of Landsat TM data. 
Based on the test study, the best composite scheme is 
R=0.7 x TM3+03 x TM6 (13) 
G=05 x TM2+0.5 x TM4 (14) 
B=03 x TM1+0.3 x TMS +0.4 * TM7 (15) 
where TM1, TM2, ..., TM7 are the gray values of TM band 1, 
band 2, ..., band 7, respectively. The scheme was used to make 
false color composite images, r85fcc.img, r87fcc.img, 
r90fcc.img and r93fcc.img, from Landsat TM data obtained on 
May 14 of 1985, May 20 of 1987, April 26 of 1990 and May 20 
of 1993 respectively. 
402 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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