Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

have Tsfe/NDVI values that do not correspond to any one 
land cover class. 
The OLS-pct values associated with the seven DFW 
climatic stations is also displayed as a function of NDVI 
(Figure 2). Generally those stations with large OLS-pct 
values displayed lower NDVI values. A clear distinction 
exists between the OLS-pct values of stations 279, 281 
and 285, and the other stations. A similar distinction, 
although not as great, was observed in the OLS-cal data. 
The OLS-pct values suggest that stations 279, 281 and 
285 might be considered "urban." These three stations 
were indeed identified as "urban" through a manual 
procedure described in Gallo er al. (1993a). 
The OLS data, combined with the NDVI and Tsfc data 
that describe the surface energetic response to urban land 
cover, provide a meteorologically sensitive 
characterization of stations as urban and rural (e.g., 
Figures 2 and 3). Comparing the urban assessment based 
on land cover, the relatively large OLS-pct values for 
station 279 and 281 in Figure 3 suggest that the OLS data 
may be particularly useful in discerning urban and rural 
land covers along the transition zones between classes. 
The use of OLS values to characterize stations as urban or 
rural in the transitional area between urban and rural 
locations could be especially beneficial for future 
assessments of  urbanization-induced temporal 
discontinuities in temperature observations. Landsberg 
(1981) pointed out that the largest gradient in urban-rural 
ambient temperatures occurred along the urban-rural 
fringe at the periphery of metropolitan areas. Many 
long-term climate observing stations that are included in 
historical networks, due in part to their rural settings, will 
be vulnerable to discontinuous temperature changes due 
to encroaching urbanization. Planned analysis include the 
use of AVHRR and DMSP-OLS data to assess the 
urbanization at stations included in several U.S. and 
global climatological data sets. 
The process of urbanization is dynamic. As urban areas 
expand into regions of varied vegetation, due to culturally 
diverse land use, assessment of the urban expansion relative 
to the location of climate observation stations will continue to 
be critical. This paper demonstrates the value of using 
multiple sensors in the identification of urban heat islands. 
The repartitioning of surface energy fluxes due to urban 
land use change can be implicitly linked to lower values 
of NDVI and higher values of radiant surface temperature 
with the AVHRR data. Higher resolution land cover data 
from classified Landsat MSS data can be used to relate 
land cover classes to observed changes in NDVI and ° 
radiant surface temperature. The DMSP-OLS data 
exploits anthropogenic nighttime light sources as a further 
tool for the distinction between urban and rural locales. 
Additionally, the DMSP data may be most applicable in 
cvaluation of urban heat islands in regions that are sparsely 
vegetated. The information provided by a single sensor, 
while valuable, can clearly be enhanced by the use of 
multiple sensors. 
The data included in this analysis were provided by 
NOAA's National Climatic Data Center and National 
Geophysical Data Center, and the USGS/EROS Data 
Center. This research was partially funded by NOAA's 
Office of Global Programs’ Climate and Global Change 
Program and NASA. 
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