Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

5) Digital camera + GPS (position information): 
The latitude longitude in the place is examined 
with the ımage and GPS of which takes a 
picture with a digital camera, it is had to 
transmit, and links with the map. 
6) GPS camera (position information) 
links with the map based on the data with GPS 
camera Which can take a picture of the 
Considering this system is used by volunteer, 
1)- 4) are the method to be generally used when 
above-mentioned information are offered. But 
5) and 6) are not general because the equipment 
such as GPS is necessary. From the viewpoint 
of popularity 1)-4) is general. On the other hand 
from the viewpoint of the portability of the 
software, 3) is not general because the function 
is largely depend on the function of mail 
browser and 4) is available after the position 
information in analog type in FAX is converted 
to digital 4) is using the function of 1) and 2). 
As the discussion above 1) -6) are put together 
1) and 2) from the viewpoint of domestic usc. 
So we focus on the 1) and 2) in this study from 
now on. 
To hold the data in common and to be thc 
system domestic, the function of Web-GIS is as 
- Easy GUI(Graphic User Interface) 
- Sending sentence and image linked map 
- Browsing sentence and image linked map 
- Holding the data in common via internet 
To satisfy the above-mentioned necessity. this 
system is thought to be constructed with Java 
applet or CGI. 
Because of the problem of security for local 
resources, such as file etc., Java applet has the 
limitation in the accessibility from the client 
machine now. So in this study CGI is used. 
The information offer from the users via internet 
automatically like qur necessity is established in 
ESPN SporisZone3) , the sports paper of the 
United States, on the internet Webgaze4), 
WebNote Clip2), and AXIS NetEye 2009) etc. 
There are some example that can send the 
character and the image information via internet 
automatically, but there is no example that can 
send the character and image information linked 
the map via internet as a bulletin board system. 
In this study to satisfy the function of 1) and 2) 
mentioned in the section 2., system was 
constructed linking three parts, shuch as Web- 
GIS, Information making, and Data 
management part. 
- Web-GIS part 
- Information making part 
- Data management part 
Fig.3 shows the system configuration and user 
interface of this system 
When sentences and images are sent by using 
CGI, the support screen is displayed as Fig.3 by 
clicking the point where the information linked. 
And data is preserved in article DB. and the 
HTML file in the server when the article is 
transmitted. When sentences and images are 
browsed, article DB. is retrieved and the article 
linked to the circumference of the clicked point 
is displayed. 
Fig.4 is a display of the screen when the article 
is being transmitted and browsed. 
Web-GIS which can offer the information 
linked map via internet automatically without 
manager's hand is proposed. This system uses 
map on internet as the bulletin board. It is 
thought that the image and character 
information can be accurately passed on without 
needing a lot of man power like the system 
which was the start-up in the Nakhodka oil-spill 
The near future work will be the connection to 
the GIS managed ESI(Environmental Sensitivity 
Index) includes the professional information for 
decision support on the same Kind of disaster in 
the future. 
More than anything else, the unification of the 
information at disaster in precondition. 
1) Asami Shikita: Oil-Spill disaster in the Sea of 
Japan and Nearshore environmental 
management, Forum on the Environmental 
Politics, Vol.4, 1997. (1n Japanese) 
2) WebBOARD : http://w3.mtci.or.jp/-rescue/ 
3) ESPN SportsZone : 
4) Webgaze : 
5) WebNote Clip 
6) AXIS NetEye 200 : 
424 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
1 = = Va) 

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