Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Donald O. Hodgins 
President, Seaconsult Marine Research Ltd. 
8805 Osler Street, Vancouver, Canada V6P 4G1 
Commission VII, Working Group 5 
KEY WORDS: Remote sensing. Data Assimilation. Circulation Modelling. Oil spill modelling. Coastal zone protection. 
Operational three-dimensional ocean circulation models have been developed for the western Canadian continental shelf and the 
Georgia-Fuca inland waterway. Assimilation of near real-time SST data from AVHRR imagery using a nudging scheme, and 
surface current measurements from SeaSonde HF radars with an error-dependent weighted blending method has led to significant 
improvements in surface current prediction accuracy. An oil spill trajectory and weathering model has-been coupled into the 
circulation model, utilizing the most recent current data for the advective calculations. RADARSAT SAR image classification, 
combined with computerized editing tools, is used to monitor oil slicks and parameterize slick features for re-initializing the oil 
spill model. 
Model data are distributed via the Internet for assessment by users. The integrated SEACAST system provides 
response organizations and monitoring agencies with timely, accurate information for decision making, taking maximum 
advantage of near-real time data. 
Catastrophic and chronic oil spills in marine waters pose 
major challenges for environmental protection and 
management. Oil spill trajectory and fate models, coupled to 
coastal circulation models, are used to plan and carry out 
countermeasures for catastrophic spills. Similar models are 
also used to backtrack smaller spills to ships and offshore 
platforms to identify the responsible parties. 
The accuracy and utility of such models is greatly improved 
through assimilation of remotely sensed data. An operational, 
integrated modelling system, SEACAST, has been 
implemented for the west coast of Canada to provide 
information for coastal protection and management, including 
oil spills. A three-dimensional prognostic circulation model 
(C3), which forms the core of this system, has been applied at 
two different grid scales: 5-km over the continental shelf and 
1-km in the coastal sea between Vancouver Island and the 
mainland of Canada and the United States. An oil spill model 
(SPILLSIM), coupled to the circulation model, provides 
predictions of the dispersion, spreading and weathering of a 
range of crude and distilled petroleum products. AVHRR 
SST imagery is assimilated directly into the temperature field 
of the hydrodynamic model in order to improve the accuracy 
of the baroclinic circulation. 
SeaSonde high-frequency ground wave radars are used to 
collect real-time surface current maps with approximately 1- 
km resolution over a broad expanse of sea. These data are 
also assimilated into the circulation model over the radar's 
field-of-view. The current data are obtained hourly and are 
available to the modelling system within about 1 h of the end 
of the measurement cycle. Current maps of this type increase 
the accuracy of the modelled surface current fields, which is 
particularly important in areas of complex flow and high risk 
of spill. 
Finally, classified images from Radarsat SAR are being used 
to identify spill location, size and relative thickness of slicks. 
This information is used to re-initialize the oil spill model at 
the satellite image time. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
The SEACAST system and the use of near-real time imagery 
for operational modelling in the context of managing and 
mitigating oil spill damage in the coastal zone is described in 
this paper. The discussion focuses on the relationship of the 
different types of remote sensed data to the model 
requirements and how these data are processed for 
assimilation into a three-dimensional modelling system. The 
method of distributing georeferenced SEACAST results to 
spill response organizations over the Internet, as well as 
global applications of this type of system are described. 
The circulation model is comprised of a three-dimensional 
hydrodynamic model based on integrated. forms of the 
Reynolds equations for turbulent flow and a fully coupled 
transport-diffusion model based on conservation equations for 
heat, salt and suspended solids. The layer-integrated forms of 
the Reynolds equations have been derived for two conditions: 
a surface layer defined by the conventional free-surface 
kinematic boundary condition, superimposed upon a set of 
fixed layers where the interfaces between layers are located at 
specified depths below mean sea level. In the coastal model, 
the surface layer thickness (typically 5 m) is sufficient to 
contain the tidal variation in water level. The governing 
hydrodynamic and transport-diffusion equations have the 
form shown in equations (1) to (6), written in tensor notation 
(Hodgins, 1976; Stronach et al., 1993). 
In these equations the dependent variables are: uj = 
horizontal velocity for i=1,2, vertical velocity for i=3, p = 
density, © = dissolved or suspended substance, P; = mean 
hydrostatic pressure gradient term, h = b-a, the layer 
thickness at time t, p«u';u':» - Reynolds stress tensor, and 
2e; J,k®jPuk = Coriolis force. Subscripts i,j,k denote 
summation over indices 1,2 and 3. The layers are defined by 
X3 —b(t) at the top of the layer and X3 — a at the bottom of 
the layer; b is a function of time only for the top layer. 
The turbulence closure models include a Mellor-Yamada 
(1982) level-2 scheme for interfacial shear stress, which 
incorporates a bulk Richardson number dependence, and the 
Smagorinsky (1963) formulation for lateral shear stress, 
dependent on local current shear. 

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