(i) surface layer —
Ö(pu;h)/öt + 0 (pu;ujh)/Oxj + 0(p<u'ju';>h)/0x,; + P + (p € u';u'4 > Ib - p«u'u4» la) + 26; j,k®;jPurh = 0 (1)
Oph/0t + 0 pu;h/öx; -puz(a) = 0 (2)
06h/0t + 0 Ou;h/Ox; + hô «0'u;»/O0x, , «0'vi» |y. <B'u'; >|, -0u3(a) = source + sink terms (3)
(ii) subsurface layers —
O(pu;h)/ôt + 0 (puju;h)/0x; + (p «u'ju'5; » h/Ox; + Pj * (p<u'iu'3>|p - P<u';u'3 > |a) + (puju3(b)-pu;u3(a)) +
2 ej j, ko jPuyh =0 (4)
dph/ot + 0 pu;h/öx; + (pu3(b)-pu3(a)) = 0 (S)
06h/0t + à Ou:h/Ox; + hd <B'u'; >/0x; 4 «0'u'5»4g «0t,» [4 (©u3(b)-0u3(a)) = source + sink terms (6)
Horizontal diffusion is based on constant eddy diffusivity
scaled in proportion to the grid size. The dependent variables
for dissolved/suspended substances include salinity (S),
temperature (T) and sediment concentration (C,). The
density p is determined from an equation of state.
The required boundary conditions—water levels, open-
boundary velocities and water properties, river runoff, and
winds—are obtained from existing observing networks or
from historical fields. Wind stress p«u';u'4» Ib) is
calculated at each time step using the 10-m local wind and the
drag coefficient dependence given by Large and Pond (1981).
Initial conditions for p are specified from climatological data.
The circulation models are prognostic in all dependent
variables, and are spun-up from rest (u;=0) until transients
are removed from the system and it is in dynamic balance
with the applied forces. At that point the model is suitable for
assimilating observed surface fields from the satellite and
ground wave radar sensors.
The governing equations are solved using semi-implicit finite
difference methods on uniformly spaced Cartesian grids
(Stronach et al., 1993). The shelf grid spacing is 5 km, while
the grid spacing for the Strait of Georgia is 1 km. The
number of layers and the layer thickness can be varied to
resolve the important oceanic and effluent dispersion
processes. Between 14 and 20 layers are used in the present
A generalized oil spill model (SPILLSIM) has been developed
to predict the trajectory and weathering properties of a range
of petroleum products using the surface currents calculated
with the circulation models. The oil spill model incorporates
transport and diffusion, surface spreading, evaporation,
vertical dispersion and emulsification using the Mackay et al.
(1980) analytical approach. Mackay's approach treats the oil
in two components, a "thick" portion of the slick and a "thin"
portion. The spill is divided into a time-series of discrete
parcels. Each parcel is initialized with a volume and area
associated with the thick and thin slick fractions; the change
in the volume and area of the slick fractions with time is then
calculated as a function of the weathering processes.
Horizontal dispersion of the oil is simulated by dividing each
parcel into several thousand particles. The oil volume
associated with the parcel at any time is divided equally
amongst the particles in order to account for weathering,
shoreline, recovery and other boundary volume losses. The
particles are advected by the current u;, and diffused using a
random walk model. Mathematically, each particle of oil is
defined by a position vector R(t) with location at time t given
R(t) = J (uj(x;,t) + u;") dt (7)
where u;(x;,t) is the total surface current vector derived from
the circulation models. Diffusion is produced by the turbulent
part of the flow field u;' arising from subgrid scale motions.
This integral is solved in a sequence of N discrete time steps
with increment At, for M particles comprising each oil parcel.
The result is M position vectors
R,(NAt) = 2 (uj(x;,nAt)At + saxrg); /=1,2,...,M (8)
For a particle that moves a distance which is uniformly
distributed in the range (0,s) in a time step At, the probability
of the particle being at location s at time t satisfies the
diffusion equation with apparent diffusivity D. The random
walk step size is given by s=(6DAt)1/ . ‘This procedure
constitutes a Monte Carlo method (Bauer, 1958) where the
diffusive effects of u;' are simulated by a random walk
analogy consisting of M trials each with N random
displacements having magnitudes between -s and s. ry isa
random number in the range (-1,1).
Details of the weathering calculations are given in Hodgins et
al. (1991) and the reference cited previously. In addition to
weathering, oil absorption by the shoreline is modelled up to
a limit based on substrate and the incident wave energy.
The outcome of the calculation is a set of particle positions R;
for each parcel comprising the spill, with attributes giving the
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998