Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

s of 
e of 
le 1 
Table 2: The normalised standard deviation of 
the element of difference matrix 
0.075 0.055 0.069 0.066 0.077 
0.057 0.040 0.064 0.054 0.066 
0.056 0.040 0.073 0.046 0.060 
0.071 0.050 0.062 0.046 0.062 
0.094 0.067 0.063 0.055 0.075 
is the averaged difference matrix, it can be con- 
sidered as the difference matrix for any segments 
with little loss of accuracy. 
Based on the above analysis, in the case of single- 
channel images, only the mean values of seg- 
ments are significant for classification, as either 
the RSTM or the difference matrix are very sim- 
ilar for all segments, as long as natural vegeta- 
tion cover is being considered. However, this is a 
great advantage to the classification implemen- 
tation as the classification rules can be greatly 
simplified. Given a mean difference as small 
as 0.3 dB, eight classes can be discriminated 
from the segmented image shown in Fig. 3. The 
classified image is shown in Fig.6, in which all 
known areas such as bare soil, wet Melaleuca, 
dry Melaleuca and the mixed woodland are clas- 
sified. The number of segments in the classified 
image shown in Fig. 6 may differ from the num- 
ber of segments in the segmented image shown 
in Fig 3, as the spatially adjacent segments may 
be classified as the same class and the boundary 
between them is therefore removed. 
Highly speckled SAR image data require area- 
based analysis in order to improve the accu- 
racy of classification. Images are segmented us- 
ing the Gaussian markov random field model 
with techniques of wavelet filtering, edge detec- 
tion and watershed process. The classification is 
then implemented based on segment analysis. In 
the case of single-channel images, the most im- 
portant statistical parameters of a segment are 
mean, standard deviation and the difference ma- 
trix (the description of textures). For areas of 
natural vegetation, it has been found that the 
ratio of the standard deviation to the mean is al- 
most constant, and the difference matrix is also 
very similar for all segments. Therefore, the clas- 
sification rules for segments depend only on the 
mean values of segments, making the implemen- 
tation of classification relatively simple. Areas 
where the difference of backscattering coefficient 
is as small as 0.3 dB can be discriminated. The 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
classified image was found to be accurate when 
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