coherence map creation are 15 lines and 3 columns.
This corresponds with an area of about 60*60
meter in the terrain.
Figure 8 shows the coherence map that is created
using conventional filtering and figure 9 the one
that is created applying the procedure described in
this paper.
3. Conclusions
The resolution of a coherence map can be increased
using a combination of linear average filters instate
of using a single average filter. In the combination,
one of the filters is with the central sub-image pixel
included and the other one without. The difference
in coherence between the maps created using these
filters is compared with a threshold. If the
difference exceeds the threshold then the coherence
that is created with the “complete” filter is assigned
and otherwise the coherence from the normalized
images is used. The high coherence of points with
high backscattering values remains with this
approach without influencing too much the
coherence of neighboring points. The thematic
information in the resulting coherence map is not
reduced in the surrounding of strong scatterers.
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