Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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objects. The maximum level will most probably saturate 
over clouds, hot spot situations, and glitter resulting from 
reflections on the water surface. Applications related to 
these reflectance levels (e.g. top-of-the-cloud BRDF 
measurements) are explicitly excluded from the range of 
APEX applications. An update to include these levels 
would require a remodelling process including an albedo of 
1.1 over clouds at altitudes up to 6.5 km. 
The validation level is used to verify the SNR 
specifications. The requirements for SNR are defined as the 
average SNR over all channels covered by one detector 
(e.g. VIS or SWIR) including the band positions in the 
water vapor absorption bands. Atmospheric applications are 
an important goal of APEX and therefore the specifications 
include all band positions inside the absorption bands. 
The minimum level is defined as 0.01 albedo. This is at the 
same time the expected uncertainty of the RTC (Radiative 
Transfer Code). Inland water monitoring is an important 
application for the APEX instrument. Therefore the lower 
end of the dynamic range is defined by this minimum level. 
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Q 991 À | Validation SS LA 
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04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 
14 3.50145:04.75, 15.8:/(£:9:2:0:2.31522. 2:33:24. 12.5 
Wavelength [nm] 
Figure 3. APEX radiometric specifications for minimum, validation and maximum at-sensor-radiances 
A major figure of interest in the expected performance on 
an airborne imaging spectrometer is the signal-to-noise 
ratio (SNR). The signal is calculated using an end-to- 
end sensor model (DSS, 1997; Schaepman, 1998). This 
allows to determine the total number of electrons arriving 
per detector pixel based on the modelled at-sensor- 
radiance using the RTC. The final estimation of the noise 
is calculated using the manufacturer information of the 
detector and the electronic noise parameters. The SNR is 
then derived using the total number of electrons divided 
by the noise-contributiong electrons. 
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olde Maximum 
— Validation 
ee Minimum 
| | | | I | I | | 
04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 
Wavelength [um] 
Figure 4. SNR for all APEX channels (maximum, validation and minimum level) 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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