Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Ancillary knowledge gical 
development and cropping calendars : 
obtained from the nan State Production 
Center (Figure 1) situated at the Dalaman 
District, Dalyan, in the Protected Area (E 28° 
45, N 38° 45"). The supporting data was used 
to assess the vegetation amount its 
distribution. The Producti ente an 
area of 3 217 ha and is highly productive. There 
is an Intense Soy with respect to harvesting 
and regeneration and crop species are 
and dude: : corn, wheat, cotton, clover, sun 
flower and citrus. 
Dalamat ^roduction L enter. 
Figur re 1. 
S SAR datasets were acquired covering the 
growing season from 29 M arch to 21 September 
for 1996. These were from ERS 1 and 2 SAR 
with specifications of: C-band, V V-polarization, 
23.0 incidence angle a mid swath, and 
descending o The SAR data vere th 
look pr ecision Pinot: with a ground resolution 
of 12.5 by n agi nuth and range 
directions. The geometry of images with the 
same frame number is similar apart from a small 
c- and y-shift. A cloud-free Landsat TM scene 
for 24 July ; 199€ 5 was also used with combination 
with the SAR data. The remotely sensed data 
srry 1 
specifi icatio ons are g AV en m i able 1. 
Fe Satellite Date Orbit / Frame 
_ERS1 D 29 March 1996 24601 / 2871 
ERS1 D 3 May 1996 25102 / 2871 
_ERS2 D 8 June 1996 05930 / 2871 
ivi _ERS 2 D 17 August 1996 06932 / 2871 
 ERS2 D | 21 September 1996 07433 / 2871 
Path / Row 
[| 24 July 1996 179 / 34-35 
1. Specifications of the data used. 
In this study, SAR data sets were evaluated 
through visual interpretation as well as through 
selected image processing techniques such as 
wultidimensional classification and principal. 
compone nt analysis. As a first step, calibration 
into sigma-dB values was performed in order to 
reference the multitemporal ERS data. Then the 
16-bit data were converted to 8-bit and inherent 
speckle noise was reduced. For this purpose 
various filters, such as Mean, Median, Frost, 
Lee and Gamma-Map, were tested with different 
window sizes and over two passes on the data 
set. The first filtering was done using a 3 x 3 
median filter, the second iteration using a 5 x 5 
mean filter. 
The 5 SAR images were co-registered to create 
a multitemporal data base. This was achieved by 
taking the 17 August data as the reference 
coordinate system and resampling to 25 m pixel 
size using the nearest-neighbor algorithm in 
order to retain the multitemporal information 
content of the radar data (Keil et.al., 1995). 
Of the Landsat TM data, only channels 2 
through 5 were used due to : the susceptiblity of 
channel 1 to atmospheric effects, the low 
resolution of the thermal band (channel 6), and 
the high correlation between channels 7 and 5 
(Brisco, 1995). 
Finally, the data were geometrically corrected 
using 1: 25 000 topographic maps for addition 
to the GIS data base. A linear transformation 
with a + 0.5 pixel RMS error using 10 and 15 
points was performed for co- and geo- 
registration process, respectively. An overview 
of the data processing and analysis is given in 
the flowchart in Figure 2. 
560 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
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