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In this study, multitemporal SAR images were
acquired during the 1996 growing season.
These were examined as a complete
multitemporal data set, and also were examined
in combination with various band combinations
from a Landsat TM image. These data sets
were classified and the accuracy of crop
identification was evaluated. In general,
ploughed and stubble fields were confused with
newly planted corn, some cotton and
uncultivated grass. New citrus plantations were
confused with matured sunflower fields due to
very similar radar signatures. These problems
may be overcome by using crop rotation
information, historical data, crop calendar
differences for example. Owing to the inherent
speckle, and hence high local variability,
information about small land parcels is less
Accuracies from SAR based multitemporal
classifications and combined SAR and TM based
classifications were investigated. It was found
that accuracies could be improved by
complementing the SAR data with optical data.
The reason for these increases are of interest and
need to be investigated.
Future work will involve :
1. The use of segmentation
2. The use of a per field classifier approach
3. Work to achieve a better understanding of
the relationship between non-agricultural
classes and radar multitemporal profiles.
4. Work to extend the use of radar into the
more difficult terrain.
The authors thank to ESA for their support of
the IMP project. They are also grateful for the
Support and consultation provided by the
Manager of Dalaman State Production Station,
and from Mr. Sefaattin Zeybek, Mr. Miimtaz
Yurdagül and Mr. Orhan Ilhan, agriculturists.
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Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 565