Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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classification. If KHAT is close to one it indicates 
that the classification result is better than a 
random classification. 
The error matrix of LVQ-classification is represented in 
Table 3. The overall accuracy was 86.4% and kappa 0.83. 
The producer’s and user’s accuracies are represented in 
Table 5. Contextual classification increased the overall 
accuracy a bit, it was 88.596 (kappa 0.85) for CI- 
classifier and 87.3% (kappa 0.84) for M1-classifier. The 
best classifier was M2 when transitional probabilities 
were estimated using 7 by 7 pixel window. In that case 
the overall accuracy was 89.8% and kappa 0.87. 
Corresponding error matrix is represented in Table 4 
and the producer’s and user’s accuracies in Table 5. 
Water and agricultural field were classified very well, 
producer’s and user’s accuracies were over 99% and 94%, 
respectively. Some pixels belonging to agricultural field 
were classified as forest with low stem volume. Urban 
area and mire were classified moderately well, 
producer’s and user’s accuracies were over 77% and 78%, 
respectively. These classes were mixed mainly with 
forest classes. Forest classes were classified from very 
poor to moderate, they were mainly mixed with each 
other or mire and urban area. Very poor accuracy of 
forest, stem volume 100 - 200 m?/ha was probably due to 
small sample size used in the training of the classifier. 
Contextual classification increased the classification 
accuracies except for forest, stem volume 100 - 200 
Generally the mean backscatter of classes is higher 
during summer than winter and the temporal variations 
of the mean backscatter are higher during summer and 
autumn than during winter. Backscatter from forest 
classes is lowest when ground is frozen and covered with 
thin layer of snow. Accumulation of new snow increases 
backscatter and aging of snow decreases it. Variations of 
forest classes increase according to the increase in stem 
volume. Also differences in backscatter between summer 
and winter increase with the stem volume. Differences 
in backscatter of mire and forest classes are largest 
during summer, otherwise backscatter behaves quite 
similar. The backscatter from urban area does not vary 
much, it is almost undependent from season. 
The mean class separabilities are largest for Jers, 
summer and late autumn ERS-1, snow-free and unfrozen 
Radarsat and frozen Radarsat images. The separabilities 
are smallest for winter and very rainy ERS-1 images, so 
ground freezing and heavy rain decrease the suitability 
of ERS-1 images for land-use classification. Median 
filtering increases the class separability. 
The results of classifications were satisfactory. The 
overall accuracy was 86.496 for LVQ-classification and 
89.8% for the best contextual classification. Water and 
agricultural field were classified very well and urban 
area and mire morerately well. Forest classes are the 
most problematic, they mix with each other, mire and in 
some cases with urban area. 
This study is part of European Union funded EUFORA- 
project and conducted under the supervision of Helsinki 
University of Technology, Laboratory of Space 
Technology. Authors wish to thank Dr.Tech. Jouni 
Pulliainen for help and comments. 
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Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 571 

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