Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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Preliminary validation tests indicate that using linear spectral 
unmixing to extract the crop endmember (gap) fraction has 
potential for the estimation of the effective LAI. Results for 
bean, canola, and wheat showed a reasonable agreement with 
LAI derived from direct measurements considering the 
uncertainty in foliage distribution patterns (clumped, random, 
or regularly) and in locating the sample plots in the imagery. 
A comparison with LAI values calculated with a semi- 
empirical approach using NDVI and those estimated from the 
image fraction indicate that the two values agree within a 
standard deviation of at most 0.3. The proposed fechnique has 
the advantage that crop specific fractions can be determined 
and, therefore, unwanted portions of vegetation such as weeds 
can be excluded. This is not the case for LAI estimations 
based on vegetation indices such as NDVI. 
The authors thank C. Burke for word-processing of this paper. 
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