spectral variation with respect to other
environmental factors (Cohen, 1991). Several
experiments have shown close relationships
between leaf reflectance and water content in the
middle infrared region of the spectrum (Tucker,
1980; Hunt and Rock, 1989; Carter, 1991).
However, these observations at leaf level need to
be adapted to field conditions, where a complete
canopy is measured and therefore more factors of
noise (soil, observation geometry, canopy
architecture, etc.) are-present.
Based on these experiences, several authors have
observed good correlations between vegetation
indices and FMC. Unfortunately, middle infrared
data, the most sensible to water content, are only
available in few of the current sensors. Therefore,
most experiments have been based on ordinary
vegetation indices (such as the NDVI, which
include just near infrared and red reflectance). For
herbaceous species, significant Pearson r values
have been found between NDVI and moisture
content in Australia (Paltridge and Barber, 1988)
and the USA (Burgan and Harford, 1993). For
shrub species, the correlations were less
significant, although in some Mediterranean
broad-leaf plants, good adjustments were also
found (Alonso et al., 1996).
An alternative method for FMC estimation is
based on thermal measurements. The ratio of
actual and potential latent heat (LE/LEp) has
found to be a good indicator of canopy water
status (Jackson, 1986; Moran et al, 1994).
Potential LE can be obtained from meteorological
measurements, while actual LE from the
difference of air and surface temperature. This
approach has been successfully used for fuel
moisture estimation from NOAA-AVHRR data
(Vidal et al., 1994). However, since vegetation
indices also offer an estimation of plant cover, a
combination of temperature and vegetation
indices may improve the estimation of plant water
content (Moran et al., 1994; Vidal and Devaux,
1995). This approach has been found clearly
related to both field data and fire occurrence
(Prosper-Laget et al., 1994; Vidal et al., 1995;
Alonso et al., 1996).
Operational use of satellite data in short-term fire
prevention requires several questions to be
addressed which are related to spatial, spectral
and temporal resolution. The spatial resolution
affects the degree of mixture in fuel types, which
may offer very different dynamics in moisture
status. To what species the satellite signal is more
sensitive remains unsolved. Spectral resolution
affects the availability of middle infrared data.
New vegetation indices need to be derived as
soon as the hyperspectral sensors are orbiting.
Finally, temporal resolution needs to match
operational requirements. NOAA-AVHRR data is
currently the only sensor providing enough
frequency for danger estimation. Improvements in
meteorological satellites (such as Meteosat
Second Generation) will greatly benefit fire
danger estimation, since they could provide
several measurements per day. À better spectral
resolution is also required to improve current data
for estimating moisture content
In any case, satellite information should be
combined with meteorological danger indices
because they are better suited to estimate FMC of
the dead vegetation lying on the understorey.
Integrated indices with both, satellite and
meteorological information should most probably
provide the best improvement over current danger
indices. The specific procedures for integration
need further research.
Fire detection through remote sensing has been
based on middle infrared data analysis.
Considering that forest fires temperatures
commonly range from 500 to 1,000 K (Robinson,
1991), according to Wien's displacement law the
most suitable band for fire detection is located
between 5.8 and 2.9 um (the emissive part of the
middle infrared region). The thermal infrared
region presents the peak of emittance at common
Earth temperatures (around 300 K), and therefore
may be used to estimate background temperature
for false alarms discrimination.
Operational fire detection from space is obviously
very much dependent on temporal resolution. The
Earth resources satellites (such as Landsat or
SPOT) do not provide enough temporal frequency
for fire detection. On the contrary, meteorological
satellites have proven to be very useful for these
purposes. NOAA-AVHRR images offer adequate
coverage cycle (12 hours) for some applications.
Moreover, they include a channel in the middle
infrared region and two in the thermal infrared,
640 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998
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