Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

c. Topologic application: it is an application of 
TopoLogic software which handles operations on the 
geometrical data 
d. Vectorisation process: it performs the vectorisation 
operations such as preprocessing of the binary raster 
images, their conversion onto vector form taking into 
account approximation and interpretation and their 
e. two visualization servers processes: provide services 
for visualization; 
f. a database utility: it is a modified Multiscope 
component which includes the geometric data base 
handled by Topol ogic and is made from additional 4 
(four) files connected with standard Multiscope file 
Due to fact that communication between the three 
software components is done on three levels (data, 
processes and status), Virgos system was developed on 
UNIX operating system, such as Solaris 2.5.1 on Sun 
Sparc workstations or PC, and HPUX on Hewlett-Packard 
1.4 Final validation of the project 
The experimental model was finished in august 1996, 
using Solaris 2.5.1 operating system on a Sun Sparc 5 
workstation (one SuperSPARC processor at 100Mhz, 
SPECfp92=69.3, SPECin92=78.6; 32 Mb RAM; 3.1 GB 
HDD; video card GX with 24 bits). On this model the DTM 
team was trained. After DTM team critique observations, 
MS&I, Geometria and ASBR improved the product, and in 
November 1996 the prototype of VIRGOS system was 
delivered at DTM facility in Bucharest. 
During November 1996 — February 1997, a technical team 
involved in implementation of remote sensing procedures 
for Topographic Line Map revision from DTM, composed 
by scientific researchers, technology engineers, and 
operators, tested this prototype using test data over 
Romanian territory (area of Bucharest city). 
The results of this tests and all the system were presented 
at final meting of VIRGOS consortium at MS&I 
headquarters, Paris, in March 1997. At this meeting, 
beside representatives of the consortium, toke part Mr. 
Ulrich Boes the representative of CEC, Mr. Scholl (INRIA 
— France) and Mr. Fusco (Olivetti Ricerca — Italy, CEC 
2.1 The goals of the VIRGOS system testing 
The integrated system performed within the VIRGOS 
project might be used for designing the studies of urban 
planning of large cities municipalities. 
This kind of studies can emphasize the following: 
- the evolution trend of built-up areas accordingly 
to the geomorphologic structure of the land; 
- the historical and tourist areas to be preserved; 
- the impact of urban development on the 
environment, from ecological point of view; 
- the configuration of main communication ways 
based on the geographic analysis of the area. 
For system validation, it will be strengthened the evolution 
trend of the built-up areas accordingly to the 
geomorphologic structure of the land ( the application 
Study of the urban development of the Bucharest 
municipium during 1968-1994"), the objective being 
accomplished only till this point. 
2.2 Data sources 
The used data sources are: 
a) final original mylars, on plastic material for the 
general topographic map on the scale 1:100,000 
(edition 1978); 
b) the map with the administrative boundaries of 
Bucharest municipium (edition 1968); 
c) SPOT P satellite image taken up during 1994; 
d) Bucharest municipium plan on the scale 1:15,000, 
edition 1990, printed on paper. 
2.3 Processing algorithm 
The processing algorithm was as follows: 
A. Scanning of final mylars on plastic material for the 
general topographic map on the scale 1:100,000 using 
the CALSCAN software, with the following scanning 
parameters: resolution 400 dpi and the format PCX for the 
output files (binary uncompressed). 
This Ena included the following operations: 
settlement of the interest area - map sheet name; 
identification of mylars (4 mylars printed on film): 
> planimetry (black), 
>  hydrography (blue), 
» vegetation (green), 
» leveling (brown); 
marking of the overlapping points on the four 
mylars scanning using the CALSCAN software, 
results raster files in PCX format (resolution 400 
results checking with the QUICKVIEW viewing 
geometric correction of the raster files with the 
CALPCX software (4 binary files); 
conversion of the files format with the conversion 
software PCX_TIFF (4 binary files with 400 dpi 
B. Cartographic database designing corresponding to 
the topographic map on the scale 1:100,000 for the off- 
city area and to that on the scale 1:15,000 for the down- 
town area of Bucharest, taking into account the 
conventional signs specifications. It was established the 
structure of refining the cartographic information referred 
to the two representation scales. 
C. Digitization (manual and automated one) of the 
scanned files obtained in stage (A), after georeferencing 
procedure followed by building topology of the obtained 
vectors using the Multiscope tools and the 7opoLogic 
ones, as well. During this phase they were performed the 
following operations: 
- binary TIFF files (TIFF 5.0) import into the Mu/fiscope 
- georeferencing, obtaining metric binary raster files on 
which can be made measurements; georeferencing 
was performed on the 4 corners of the map sheet 
using the UTM projection coordinates on the Krasovski 
ellipsoid (UTM35n k) and not the Gauss-Krüger one, 
732 Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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