Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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Figure7 The largest values of NDVI was noticed 
on composite 21-30 July. 
4. Annual variations in multispectral feature space 
Woods classification by cluster parameters 
determination is well known and well used method so 
we have chosen another approach. We picked up 
sample polygons for observed woods and, set them 
spatially fixed, observed variations of their features in 
multispectral space during twelve months. For every 
polygon we computed mean vector, standard deviation 
of mean vector and covariance matrix for all channels. 
We expected hysteresis type curve, with turning points 
at the beginnings of phenological phases but results 
showed completely different annual change [2]. We 
interpreted the results following mean vector changes in 
first and second channels only. We did that in order to 
avoid confusion between reflectance contained in these 
channels and brightness temperature from channels 3, 
4 and 5. We could suppose that values in 4" and 5" 
channels depend on the synoptic scale meteorological 
phenomena (by surface temperature) so their 
contribution in interpretation of phenological 
phenomena is destructive. Channels 1 and 2 cover 
visible and near infra red spectrum where vegetation 
changes are distinctive. Many relevant works in the 
past use these spectral regions and could be used for 
comparison. At the end, the limitation of two channels 
frees the third axis for time, which was cruical for 
phenomena separation during vegetation period. At the 
same time NDVI values were high, and their changes 
unpredictable, which made the usage of NDVI 
variations alone for close-up detection of phenomena 
during vegetation period impossible. 
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Locations of observed 
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Figure 8 Low values of NDVI as noticed during 
winter 1993 (11-20 January). 
Figure 9 shows a sample of mean vector annual 
variation for polygon which represents Cesma oak- 
wood on cloudless composites. Connecting of mean 
vector sequential positions and marking of leafing and 
yellowing enable us to easiliy determine the cluster 
which represents vegetation period. In all cases similar 
behaviour is noticed: entering into vegetation cluster 
from the right side, and exiting from the bottom. Before 
entering, reflectances in 1% and 2™ channels are 
significantly different among observed oak-woods which 
is an expected reflection phenomenon for different soils 
before leafing. Exiting is more similar for all five oak- 
woods because the soil is covered with fallen leaves. 
Inside vegetation cluster, in all cases, two distinct 
subclusters are noticed. During the first half of 
vegetation period mean vector stays at the right side of 
vegetation cluster. From late June to early July 
distinctive deposition to the left side occurs and it stays 
there till the end of vegetation period. In all five wood 
samples small overlaps of subclusters occur. 
As the subclusters on Fig. 9 are discovered by 
mean vector time variations, we call them dynamic 
clusters. At this stage we are able to determine 
deposition from cluster | to cluster Il only subjectively. 
The phenomenon becomes more distinctive when we 
introduce time as the third axis (see Fig. 10). 
Unfortunately, with available ground data we are unable 
to discuss physical meanings of the mean vector 
deposition. Table 3 shows mean vector coordinates for 
the whole vegetation period and for both subclusters 
separately: dynamic cluster for spring to early summer 
and dynamic cluster for late summer to autumn. 
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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