Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

are not overlapped, hence they can be considered as the 
elements of a linear space. The TC transformation is an 
orthonormal rotation in this space. The choice of the axes was 
based on the analysis of several images (a posteriori or real 
image based choice of axes). The Greenness (GN) is proved to 
be a good indicator of the vegetation in land applications, but 
it is sensitive to the soil moisture and also to the atmospheric 
conditions. Our goal was to find another TC-like 
transformation, that keeps the advantages of original GN, but 
is free of its non-vegetation dependence. That is the new GN 
should be sensitive for vegetation conditions and insensitive for 
soil and atmospheric conditions. Keeping in mind this threefold 
goal, let us take the axes of a new frame of reference in the 
apparent reflectance space of TM bands as: 
1. reflectance of a bright, dry soil, 
2. reflectance of a vivid green vegetation, 
3. apparent reflectance of the full haze 
From the six TM bands, only the first four proved to be useful 
in the transformation. Thus, the ATC transformation is the 
ATC, = YO, P.., @) 
Pay = mL, | Ey cos, (3) 
is the apparent reflectance in the j-th TM band, and 
0.24113 . 0.36693 0.53991 — 0.71813 
0; =| -0.25258  -0.24235 -0.63656 0.68722 
0.86327 0.19657 -0.46296 -0.04223 
In eq. (2.1) L,; = DC; + B; is the measured radiance in the 
j-th band (o; and 6, are calibration constants and DC, is the 
digital count number), Ey; is the global incident radiation in the 
j-th band at the top of the atmosphere, 0, is the Sun zenith 
The first two indices obtained from ATC show similar 
behaviour as the Brightness (BR) and Greenness (GN) indices 
of the original TC, thus we keep the original names. The third 
index exhibits a strong correlation with the normal optical 
depth, ó, so we call it Haziness (HN). 
This new GN is still affected by the soil and the atmosphere, 
yet they can be manipulated using the other two quantities BR 
and HN in order to reduce the non-vegetation effects. 
We performed detailed model calculations to analyze the ATC 
transformation using five values of the soil moisture content, 
several values of the percent vegetation cover between 0 and 
100% and ten values of the horizontal visibility (5-50 km). In 
Figs. 1. and 2 it can be seen that GN is not independent of BR 
and HN, as we expected. Similarly, there is a good linear 
dependence between HN and the aerosol optical depth at 
550 nm (0,,,,), but there is a BR dependence too (Fig. 3.). 
These nonlinear dependencies can be eliminated or at least 
significantly reduced by applying another, nonlinear 
transformations in the GN-HN and BR-GN planes. The 
resulting BR, GN and HN indices are almost free from 
interdependencies. In Figures 4-5 it can be seen that the 
interdependence of the indices and their dependence on ó and 
soil parameters are minimal. With additional investigations 
based on more accurate soil and vegetation reflectance 
measurements, further improvements can be achieved. 
Now we can approximate the connection between HN and 6,5; 
with a single line (Figure 6). 
Up to this point we have two parameters obtained by using the 
full ATC transformation: 
1. the BR, GN vegetation index pair for every pixel, 
a) this pair is independent from the 
atmospheric conditions 
b) GN is independent of the soil conditions; 
2. d,..ss for every pixel, representing the atmospheric 
In Figure 7-8 the original GN and the ATC GN can be seen as 
a function of horizontal visibility (that is of 5) and of soil 
parameters. It is clearly seen that while GN depends strongly on 
atmospheric and soil conditions, this dependence for ATC GN 
is actually very weak. 
Let us summarize the main advantages of the above described 
procedure (which we call — together with the procedure 
described later — Atmospheric Correction Algorithm Based on 
1. The HN is proportional to 6 => the real 
reflectances are retrievable from measured 
2. The GN is free from atmospheric and soil 
moisture effects = > 
a) unnecessity of solving RTE for 
surface canopy investigation 
(vegetation monitoring, yield 
b) an opportunity of onboard 
calculation of a green vegetation 
sensitive quantity free from 
atmospheric and soil moisture 
effects is given. 
3. The computation of ATC indices is simple 
and very fast, thus it can be done even for 
every pixel of a full TM image. 
In multitemporal/sensor applications a vegetation index specific 
of the given satellite sensor/date is not a suitable quantity; we 
have to obtain a real physical parameter, usually the surface 
reflectance factor (p). To do this, we completed the ACABA 
with the solution of RTE by using an RTC. In the full ACABA, 
we can retrieve p using ô,.,ss (for every pixel) from ATC and 
the 5S and 6S code (Tanré et al. 1985) as RTC. This approach 
represents a major difference between the "traditional" methods, 
where the ó is characteristic either of an average atmosphere or 
only of a part of the image (but is extrapolated over a large 
area), and ACABA. 
Let the RTE given in the following from: 
LS - 
p; E(5,8) e ' * L, (4) 
788 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 
pd: (9 ES ^ PP Uh. ^ uj f? P "4 X[phpi uud 79. (f 3A M ss UD s 

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