Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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where L,,; is the measured radiance in the i-th band, p, is the 
Lambertian reflectance factor of the given pixel in the i-th band, 
E,; (6; 05) is the global irradiation at the surface in the i-th 
band, ó, is the normal optical depth in the i-th band, 6, is the 
Sun zenith angle and L, , is the path radiance in the i-th band. 
The 5S and the successor 6S code proved to be one of the best 
RTC for remote sensing applications. However, the required 
computational time is very huge ( corrections a full TM image 
using 5S code requires weeks in CPU time, using 6S requires 
even ten times more), thus in practical applications they are 
inapplicable. Rahman and Dedieu (1994) developed a method 
called SMAC based on approximations of 5S code runs for a 
given atmosphere and aerosol model and for interval of 
atmospheric conditions and in the case of TM for bands 1-5. 
We developed a similar but computationally faster method to 
speed up ACABA based on 6S code. 
In Eq. (3.1) L,,; is measured by the satellite, 6, is computed by 
6S from 5,,,, (given by ATC and the chosen atmospheric model 
in 6S), E, , and L, , are also computed from 9 and 6, by 6S, thus 
Eq. (3.1) can be solved for p,. 
The verification of an atmospheric correction algorithm can be 
done by using reliable data measured simultaneously at the 
ground and onboard a satellite. The reflectance factor measured 
at the ground and the corrected reflectance factor measured 
onboard the satellite have to be compared in order to determine 
the effectivity of an atmospheric correction algorithm. 
Unfortunately, there is a lack of such data for Landsat TM. 
However, Moran et al. (1992) published a data set from a 
measurement campaign at the Maricopa Agricultural Center 
(MAC, Phoenix, Arizona). They conducted measurements 
during seven Landsat-5 passes with an Exotech 100 BX 
spectroradiometer mounted on an aircraft flying at an altitude 
of 150 m. The surfaces were different bare soils and vegetated 
surfaces (cotton, winter wheat). They also made a comparison 
between the main representatives of the atmospheric correction 
methods for Landsat TM data. We completed their analysis with 
the application of ACABA to their measurements. This way, we 
could verify our method in absolute and relative senses. 
The uncorrected (i.e. apparent) reflectance factor, the 
reflectance factor corrected by DOS, the reflectance factor from 
5S code with DOS input data and the reflectance factor from 
LOWTRANT7 code (Kneizys et al. 1988) with DOS input data 
are shown in Figs. 9a-d, respectively. The corrected reflectance 
factors are shown versus reflectance factor measured by 
EXOTECH 100 BX. To compare these results with ours, we 
have to be aware of the following facts: MAC is in a desert 
area, with very low humidity and stable weather conditions 
(small spatial and temporal variations), what is not characteristic 
of Europe. 
The corrected reflectance factor from ACABA can be seen in 
Fig. 10. Because we use the midlatitude summer atmosphere 
model and the continental aerosol distribution for the 
computation of L, in 6S code (i.e. in ACABA), the latter 
necessarily overestimates the water absorption in the 4th band 
and hence forward overestimates the reflectance factor too. 
Taking this also into account, the ACABA proved to be as 
accurate as the 5S code with DOS input in Moran et al. (1992), 
which was the most accurate according to their analysis. The 5S 
code with DOS input probably should produce a less accurate 
result over Hungary and Europe, either because of worse 
circumstances or because of the problem of "dark object". We 
have to stress again, that only ACABA is independent of other 
parts of the given image, i.e. of the location of the given pixel 
in the image. 
We applied ACABA to two TM images. The first one was a 
TM image from South-East Hungary (Gyoma and Endród and 
their environs with Berettyó and Sebes-Kórós rivers) of 2 May 
Before we present the results obtained for this subimage, we 
note the following: first, the ACABA is optimized for vegetated 
surfaces and produces less accurate (for water) or false (for 
concrete or asphalt) results on other surfaces. Second, as it can 
be seen in Fig. 6, the é,.ss and HN are connected with a very 
good linear relationship in the mathematical sense, but this line 
has a "width", thus through HN,, BR; will also appear in §,,.ss 
for the given pixel, i.e. the brightness variations of the surface 
are a little transparent in the 0,5; image. Further improvement 
in ACABA is required to eliminate this effect. 
The original Band 1 and the corrected Band 1 image can be 
seen in Figure 12a and b respectively (the colour Figures 12 
and 13 can be found at the end of this volume, in the colour 
section). Because the 'presence' of the atmosphere is the 
strongest in the Band 1, the effect of the atmospheric correction 
can be seen in this image clearly: the correction eliminates not 
only the haze sheet, but partly the cloud as well. 
Another example can be seen in Figure 13. A TM image from 
Western Hungary containing light to heavy hazy areas was 
corrected by ACABA. Comparing the original Band 1 image 
(Fig. 13a) and the corrected one (Fig. 13b) the power of 
ACABA is demonstrated. The enhancemant can also be seen 
clearly in the Tasseled Cap Greenness images. The standard TC 
Gn (Fig. 13c) shows less details under the haze part of the 
image than the ACABA Gn image (Fig. 13d). The ACABA can 
also be used for detecting or enhancing air pollution (smoke, 
smog and forest fires etc.) by using 9,,,, images in environment 
protection applications. 
Because of the close similarity between the Landsat TM the 
Indian IRS LISS bands, the ACABA can easily be ported for 
IRS LISS data. Actually, the IRSIC LISS porting has beeen 
The new procedure for atmospheric correction of Landsat TM 
images over vegetated surfaces is based on ATC, a Tasseled 
Cap transformation with heuristic choice of axes, and on further 
nonlinear transformations, and produces a true atmosphere 
correction using only the pixel data themselves. 
The full ACABA procedure completed with the use of the 6S 
code can retrieve accurate reflectance factors for 
multisensor/temporal data and with a the SMAC-like method is 
able to perform the atmospheric correction of full images within 
hours, and hence to serve a significant improvement even for 
classification. The effectiveness of ACABA is demonstrated on 
simultaneous ground based and satellite data measured over the 
same area, and on real images as well. 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 789 

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