Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

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2 0.3 
© 0.2 
= b 
0.0 + y 
100 150 200 269 0 
Figure 1 Comparison of greenness profiles calculated for 218 
corn fields from MSS data GN (a) and for 5 groups of AVHRR 
HRPT pixels (GNAV) dominated by corn (b). The MSS data 
were corrected by the ATMOYE code, the AVHRR data were 
processed by the ATMAVHRR code. 
Greenness vs. Brightness based on Abstract. TC 
0.25 ; meee 
eed t | 
tes 1 100 
0.20 gout . 
20.02 a3 
ate 5 y! A 75 
0:15 q^?" 
2v] 45:23 
0.05: à e 20 
| V 
! $ : a 
0.00 | : e À / 2 
| s. % a 
| 2 
1 6 
-0.05 | o 
| Percent cover Ë 
| = 
—() 10 fer rer 17 Bi LER A FIT TY m 
-0.05 0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45 
Figure 2 Results of model calculations: Greenness versus 
Brightness for different soil moisture contents, percent covers 
and visibilities based on Abstract Tasseled Cap. 
790 International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 

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