Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

Cs. Ferencz, D. Hamar, J. Lichtenberger, P. Bognár, I. Ferencz-Árkos, G. Molnár, Sz. Pásztor, P. Steinbach, 
B. Székely, Gy. Tarcsait, G. Timár 
Eótvós University, Space Research Group, Hungary 
(H-1117, Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 2.) 
Commission VII, Working Group 2 
KEY WORDS: crop yield forecasting, remote sensing, NOAA AVHRR 
To estimate the yield of the main crops of Hungary and forecast their production using satellite data has increasing 
importance. The paper outlines the problems, presents yield forecasting models and discusses the obtained results. An 
operative yield forecasting and production estimating procedure can be developed based on the models for the main crops 
for small and large regions, as well. 
Crop estimating using satellite images is worldwide 
considered a matter of strategic importance. We aimed 
the development of a yield estimating method based on 
satellite images that are easily accessible, and densely 
cover the growing season of the vegetation. These 
criteria are best matched by the NOAA AVHRR images. 
However, due to the poor spatial resolution of these 
images, they must be combined with satellite images of 
better resolution (LANDSAT TM) and with ground 
reference data. 
At first, we examined data of three consecutive years 
(1991-1993) collected from 3 counties in Hungary 
(Békés, Hajdü-Bihar, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok) for 6 crops 
(corn, wheat, sugar beet, sunflower, barley, alfalfa). For 
all crops with the exception of alfalfa we succeeded to 
find some relationships between the crop yield and the 
calculated index called GYURI (General Yield 
Unification Reference Index) for some groups of fields. 
GYURI values are calculated uniformly for each year 
from the remotely sensed data and characterize the 
strength of plant growth. 
For the data processing it is important to have good 
spatial resolution satellite images (LANDSAT TM) of the 
area suitably corrected to atmospherical and geometrical 
effects. This condition couldn’t always be fulfilled 
because of financial and technical obstacles, so we 
developed a second, a so called robust method and a new 
index (GYURRI, General Yield Unification Robust 
Reference Index). This method is based on the experience 
acquired by the previous method, but doesn’t use the 
high resolution data only for checking the results. ' 
Surprisingly the new method gave good results even for 
the alfalfa fields, where the previous method had failed. 
By the help of a newly developed relief correction we 
extended our examinations to the whole area of Hungary 
and succeeded to give a good estimation for the yields of 
the 6 different crops. 
In the sections below we describe briefly the results of 
the above mentioned methods and outline the potential 
directions of future research. 
Since the remotely sensed data-yield relationship was not 
possible to establish by pixel decomposition, a different 
approach had to be found (Hamar et al., 1996). After the 
geometrical and atmospherical correction of satellite 
images (Ferencz et al., 1993, Lichtenberger et al., 
1995), efforts led to the development of GYURI (General 
Yield Unification Reference Index) which can be applied 
uniformly to each year and all crops. GYURI also avoids 
the pixel-by-pixel decomposition of land cover which 
never can be accomplished with the required accuracy 
and certainty. 
Of all the crops, corn was most thoroughly examined. 
Farms supplied crop yield data for 101 corn fields of the 
3 above mentioned counties. For all fields the GYURI 
value was calculated from the remotely sensed data, and 
plotted against the yield data. Assuming linear 
relationship, lines were fitted and a correlation of 86.6% 
was found between the data sets. The farm-provided yield 
data certainly contains an inherent error which influences 
the calculated parameters, but there was no way — apart 
from a few case — to check or reduce these errors. 
For verification of the method the county average yields 
were calculated for the 3 counties. The real yield data 
were known from official statistical publications. Samples 
were chosen representing the given county 
(representative samples’), their GYURI values were 
obtained and county average yield were estimated (see 
Figure 1.). 
The results are containing all the three counties in each 
year, except the 1993 result for Hajdü-Bihar, which is 
still worked on. It is clearly seen that while in 199] the 
estimation is very good, in years of draught it is less so. 
It is partly because the ground truth information, upon 
which the representative samples are based on, was 
unreliable in these years, and partly because of the 
draught, the vegetation characteristics is not so prominent 
even in the most important periods of crop development, 
making the classification procedure somewhat erroneous. 
The other difficulty is that for fields of less yield the 
GYURI values are less accurate and therefore the 
deviation of the relating points on the plot is greater. 

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