Full text: Resource and environmental monitoring

on can 
an one 
st min- 
ial con- 
IS sand 
ce (Q1) 
cked to 
S tested 
the lab. 
% in 10 
the ho- 
20 and 
in 2 mm 
| the lab 
ch. The 
;e of the 
s a slid- 
the Ter- 
ntrast to 
Q2 and 
g bands 
NIR and 
| around 
2200 nm. It is remarkable that both Tertiary samples in 
the VNIR NIR and SWIR range show the highest reflec- 
tance values in contrast to them are the values of Quater- 
nary sediments in this range not much higher than the 
ones of lignite. The striking feature of the mixture curves 
is that three out of the four mixtures with a 10 % content 
of lignite mixtures have got no effect in the visible region 
(up to ca, 700 nm). The mixtures with the 10 % content 
and the unmixed sediments have got nearly identical 
graphs. These are the mixtures with Q1 (Figure 3), Q3 
and T2. But the mixture of lignite and T1 shows a differ- 
ent behaviour. The graphs of all three mixtures are very 
close together in the visible range as well as in the whole 
investigated spectral range and they do not reflect the 
variation of the percentage of the components. The grain 
particle size is discussed as a possible cause. The samples 
Q1, Q3 and T2 have each higher contents of smaller grain 
size. Sample T2 consists as a whole of more coarse- 
grained material. That is why the proportion sur- 
face/volume is shifted to smaller values for sample T2. 
Less fine-grained lignite material is necessary to occupy 
the surface of the Tertiary sample. Assuming that this is 
due to the affinity of lignite for this mixture the effect of 
coating then a more coarse-grained sample, even with a 
little content, must shift its reflection stronger in direction 
to the wetting components as the measurements have 
shown. At the same time it can be explained that the 
measurements do not shift more in direction to lignite 
when the content of lignite is further increased. The extra 
lignite particles cannot further occupy the surface of the 
sediment particle and do not interact with the reflecting 
The samples Q1, Q2 and T2 with medium particle size do 
not have such a strong effect of coating. Because of the 
proportion of granularity the particles lie next to each 
other and so there is further shift of the spectral curves in 
direction of lignite with an increasing lignite content. The 
situation of the mixture of both of the Tertiary sediments 
T1 and T2 among themselves is difficult to understand 
(Fig. 4). All measurements within the visible range are 
shifted in direction of the Tertiary sediment T1. The shift 
within the VNIR and SWIR region is such strong in di- 
rection of the T1 graph that the mixtures appear darker 
than both of the initial components. 
The samples of mixture of Q3 and T2 fit relatively well 
the model of linear mixing. The curves are only slightly 
shifted in direction of Q3 in contrast to the linear mixing 
model. The reason for that is nearly the same grain parti- 
cle size for larger particles up to 0,1 mm. Larger particles 
have got less possibilities of multiple scattering. Further- 
more the other components do not have a chemical affin- 
ity among each other as they do between sediments and 
The investigated samples lead to the conclusion that the 
grain size distribution of the components and the chemi- 
cal affinity decide considerably what determines the 
spectral behaviour of the mixture. Nearly similar grain 
particle sizes cause a possible linear behaviour of the 
mixture within the regarded spectral range. Different 
grain particle sizes lead to non-linear behaviour which 
will be intensified in the case of a chemical affinity by the 
effect of coating. The results form a basis to the discus- 
sion on the use of non-linear mixing models. It must be 
emphasised that the procedure of linear unmixing can 
only be used when it has been sufficiently proved that 
each spectral endmember is spatial separated and that 
there are no interactions between the endmember. This is 
the case when there is e.g. nearly the same particle size 
without an additional content of lignite. 
4.2 Classification of vegetation 
The investigations of vegetation contribute the monitoring 
of the reclamation activities and natural succession proc- 
esses. The dependencies of the structures of vegetation on 
pedological and hydrological properties are the main 
focus of research. The case study shows how spectral and 
spatial high resolution airborne scanner data can be used 
for specific ecological relevant questions for open-cast 
mining areas. The protected sand-dry lawn areas must be 
observed in their whole extension because they are en- 
dangered by the flooding of the residual holes and by the 
involved ground-water increase. Terrestical mapping 
cannot fulfil this assignment and it requires a lot of time, 
money and staff. 
First of all it was checked whether the vegetation units 
derived from geobotanical analyses could also be classi- 
fied by CASI data. The following species were identified: 
e Gray hairgrass swards 
e Lichen and moss rich grey hairgrass swards 
e Helichrysium arenarium rich psammophyte grass- 
e Legiminous rich psammophyte grasslands 
e Shrubbery rich psammophyte grasslands 
e Calamagrostis epigejos dominated psammophyte 
* no vegetation. 
A Maximum-Likelihood-algorithm with added parallele- 
piped limits was also used for the classification. This 
procedure is more specific in contrast to other established 
procedures (minimum distance) because of its strongly 
different standard deviation of single species. Figure 5 
demonstrates result of classification for vegetation units 
carried out by CASI data in comparison to classification 
results on Landsat-TM data. The CASI data have shown 
the above mentioned species for the whole sand-dry lawn 
area. The band positions of the spatial mode was favoura- 
bly disposed in that case. That is why at the time of the 
flight the phonological properties of the vegetation units 
could be taken into consideration and leave its mark on 
the classification. At first a higher aggregation of classes 
has been chosen to classify the Landsat-TM data. Dry 
Intemational Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 7, Budapest, 1998 73 

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