This paper firstly presents methods of resolution enhancement
of digital imagery as reported by other researchers. There are
an increasing number of hardware and software solutions
becoming available to enhance image resolution.
The resolution enhancement algorithm developed by the
authors is described and applied to a close-range application.
Digital photogrammetry was used to create a digital terrain
model (DTM) of a test object using original digital images and
images enhanced by the algorithm. The accuracy of each
DTM was analysed and compared. Over 200,000 points from
each DTM were used in the comparison to deduce if the
enhancement of the resolution of the digital images had
increased the accuracy of the determined surface models.
Factors of the experimentation which were taken into
consideration included control points, illumination, image
enhancement and DTM creation. A description of future
research directions is also presented.
The objective of image enhancement is to produce an image
which is more suitable for an application than the original
image (Gonzalez and Wintz, 1987). The difference between
enhancement and restoration is that restoration is a means of
modifying the image so it becomes how it appeared originally.
Enhancement is trying to improve the original image to give
better visualization (Weeks, 1996), or accuracy in
classifications or measurements.
The enhancement being investigated in this paper is that of
determining higher resolution images. Hardware and software
solutions are the two main ways this enhancement can be
achieved. Hardware techniques include increasing the size
and number of pixels of the sensor, decreasing the pixel size,
and modifying a camera to move the sensor by known
amounts. Software solutions include using one or more low
resolution images to interpolate or solve for a higher
resolution image when there are initially unknown amounts of
shift between images.
2.1 Hardware Techniques
There have been many investigations into medium and high
resolution cameras which are commercially available and, as
previously mentioned, relatively expensive. Kochi (et al.,
1995) reported the development of a measurement system
using a high resolution camera with sensor dimensions of
4096 x 4096 pixels. The system is modular, including image
acquisition, measurement and calibration software. Peipe
(1995) presented an investigation on the Kodak DCS460,
which is a digital still camera with a 3000 x 2000 pixel sensor.
The camera was found to be suitable for off-line single sensor
applications and the relative accuracy achievable was in the
order of 1/180,000.
Some hardware techniques have modified cameras to produce
high resolution digital images. Godding and Woytowicz
(1995) described a system of providing a digital back for a
Rollei film camera, with a sensor resolution of 2048 x 2048
pixels, which could achieve relative accuracies of 1/150,000.
Lenz and Lenz (1993) used a method based on the accurate
movement of the CCD array at a sub-pixel level and described
this method of resolution enhancement as micro-scanning.
Also discussed was a method termed macro-scanning, which
involved mosaicking patches of digital imagery thus
producing a large digital image at the same resolution as the
original images. These methods can be combined and used
simultaneously, which occurs in the ProgRes 3000 camera
(ibid, p59). The CCD chip is actually moved inside the
camera left-to-right and up-and-down by increments as small
as 3um to capture multiple images of an object. These are
integrated to give a higher resolution image, but the cost of
adding the electronic drive system to move the array is very
high (approximately US$30,000).
A relatively new invention is in the Pixera Pro camera (Reis,
1997), which uses a magneto-optical effect found in special
glass to achieve accurate shifts in the direction of light rays
through the lens system, such that the scene can be positioned
onto four different areas of the sensor. This is used to create
an image with an apparent resolution four times greater than
the resolution of the sensor.
2.2 Software Solutions
Jensen and Anastassiou (1995) presented a non-linear
interpolation scheme for enhancing the resolution of digital
still images by determining edges within the images to sub-
pixel level. This method is very specific in the type of images
it can be used to enhance. Jensen intended this method to be
used in conjunction with other methods of image resolution
Long (et al, 1993) presented a method for generating
enhanced resolution radar images of the earth’s surface using
spaceborne scatterometry. Although the data being enhanced
was different from the usual images used in photogrammetry,
the strategy is still applicable and noteworthy. The method
was based on an image reconstruction technique which
utilised the spatial overlap in scatterometer measurements
made at different times. A least squares solution was
employed, involving singular value decomposition analysis.
The limit in the final resolution was determined by a
combination of the noise level in the measurements and in
their overlap.
A notable point raised by Long (ibid) was that noise in the
refined images increased as the resolution was improved.
This is a problem which has to be closely monitored and
precisely modelled in resolution enhancement techniques to
ensure the enhanced image has not suffered any noticeable
degradation in accuracy.
Wiman (1993) presented a method where a scanner was used
to acquire several images of an aerial photograph at known
sub-pixel translations from the first image. Equations linking
the images were set up with the unknowns being the values of
the pixels of a combined, higher resolution image. The grey
values of the pixels in the high resolution image were
determined using a pseudo-inverse method as the equation
system was under-determined. Wiman did not pursue the
experimentation after initial results were inconclusive as the
system of equations he developed could not be accurately
solved. He su
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