=> =
|. (24)
7 6 7. The
the analysis
Matrix B -
ngular. The
Section 2).
\ is equal to
problem of
sred cross-
ased on the
problem of
ct set on a
unction f(x))
element of
nd the norm
sed shape»
ith constant
on Ci, -
n - number of regions with constant intensity on a field of
view X.
Let F - class of one-dimensional functions. Let's consider
the images f(x)eL?, and F(f(x))eL^, xeX, FeF. The
«shape» of the image f(x) is said to be not more
complex than the «shape» of the image f(x)) (denoted
f,<f) if there exists FeF that fi(x)=F(f(x)).
Consider a set of the images which shape is not more
complex than the shape of f(x)). We denote this set by Vr.
V is obtained from f with the help of various functions F
from a class F. Let the class of functions F the following
restrictions are imposed on:
1. {F(2)=z,zeR4}eF
2. ifFıe F, F2e F ‚then Fı(F2(zZ)) € F
3. ifF,e F, F2e F , then ayFı(z)+ a2F2(z) e F, a4,02 >0.
The set V: formed with the help of the various functions
from the class F satisfying 1-3 is the closed convex set in
iiu Then for anyone gel“, there exists a unique element
from V; nearest to q. This determines the projection
operator P: on the set V;. It is defined from a condition:
Ie e|- inf le - 7l eS
The shape of f is defined as the projection operator P: on
the set Vi.
The projection operator P; satisfies to the following
1. Vr*(o: o7P: ©} ;
2. || Proll s |lol], oe L T || Pr oll 7 lol] © o<f
3. || Pre- o|[20, oe L^,
In the case of preliminary image segmentation (27) the
explicit form of operator Ps ¢ is
(9. 2.)
P= 2 Ga e
From properties of the projection operator follows, that
the size | Pro - o || is a measure of distinction of images
f and o, and the following characteristic
"uL (31)
can be considered as a similarity measure of two images.
The result of segmentation s (15) can be considered as a
shape of the template f(x,y). Therefore morphological
correlation coefficient between f(x,y) and g(x,y) is
calculated as follows
We denote N; - number of pixels in the region xi, g, -
average intensity of the image g(x,y) in the region xi. By
definition of the projection operator
loaf EN EA Xs)
i (x,);
1 2
N S if 28; " = em
i ij NQGy)i
i 1
- Ap! raf x > eg Jap
i j N(QG)i (x, ));
ll - 3 3:8 G5) 53 Y grab) = Ap" X Ye elon
i (xy), i (xy) i (xy)
Thus, the expression for a square of morphological
correlation coefficient is
Ap! AAp
= EL (34)
Ap! BAp
k (Ap)
A-XnW. n-——XYg B-XEXas
N; (x) T G3»
The matrices A and B have the same properties as
corresponding matrices from Section 5.
The correlation coefficient maximization problem (22),
(34) has a kind of a problem (10) which is reduced to the
generalized eigenvalues problem (11). The block
structure of matrices (24) allows to write down the
generalized eigenvalues problem for each submatrix
AixX*ABx, i=1...n, (35)
Where A; = ni". For the problem (35) the statement from
the Section 2 is valid. The non-zero eigenvalue Aj, i=1...n
is under the formula