a straight line, and the coordinates for a point with 2D (uy Vm)
and corresponding to 3D (Xm »Ym »Zm )are known, we can
determine the translation vectors ¢ using
XM Xe Xu un
T= Yum — AR Ye = Ym — AR Von (13)
ZM Ze Zu mf
B.4) Distortions rectify
As a result of several types of imperfections in the design and
assembly of lenses composing of the camera optical system, we
think, generally speaking, that main distortion sources come
from radial and discenteric distortions, i.e.,
ó,(u,v)- ku? tp (3i? tv?) - 2p,uv
é,(u,v)= K,v(u” +v?) +p, 3u? +v?) +2p,uv (14)
In order to rectify the distortions, we make full use of the
geometric properties of straight lines. Provided that any a point
15 on the line 1-2 is selected, the points 1, 2 and 15 should are
collinear in ideal case, i.e., the area of triangle constructed by the
points 1, 2 and 15 is zero (Fig. 4.). In fact, owing to existing
distortion, the three points are impossible to be strictly collinear.
So, the collinear property of three points can be used to rectify
the distortion, i.e.,
ui t Öö(uj, vi) vit ó(up,vi)
uy +6(uy,vy) vpitó(uj,v;) 1=0 (15)
Mis 0(uis,vis) vi+8(uis,vis) 1
It is easy to obtain the distortion parameters Kj, pp, Ps.
values through solving (15).
C) Experiments and Analysis
Test 1: The first set of data is a simulated cube, whose
coordinates of 3-D and corresponding to 2-D are designed by
CAD, whose image is generated by back-projection (Fig. 5). The
size of image is 200X200 pixels, and the sample distance is
504m. The natural landmarks are edges of the cube, which
strictly meet the conditions of our algorithm described above.
The experimental results with four calibration methods are
shown in Tab. I. In selecting distortion parameters, we only
considered radial distortion.
Test 2: A real image is chosen as experimental data, whose
size is 512X512 pixels with A ss (Fig. 6). In order to
compare the precision to be reached by using our approach with
others. Edges with one pixel level accuracy are considered as
natural landmarks. To other algorithms, we select corners, which
are really an intersection point of two or more than straight lines,
as distinct points. The experimental results with four calibration
approaches are shown in Tab. 2.
Test 3: Another type of CCD camera (type: COSMICAR) was
tested. A scene, which consists of many industrial parts, was
grabbed when the camera was located with depth distance about
880mm long. The size of image is 512X 512 pixels with 856
gray level. As illustrated Fig. 7. The experimental results with
four calibration approaches are shown in Tab. 3.
Table |
Rotate Angle( ©) Position Par.(mm)
0 A T tl T2 3
Yakimov. |-0.664 [0.904 10.663 [234.711 [-311.76 [282.911
Tsai -0.663 10.904 10.663 |234.208 |-311.89 [282.345
DLT -0.664 |0.911 0.667 |234.617 |-311.85 [282.773
Our Method|-0.666 |0.909 |0.669 |234.437 |-311.90 [282.941
Intrinsic Par. (pixel
(pire) Distor. Par( 10%
Uo Vo f kl
Yakimov. {103.2 [100.8 1320.3 |-
Tsai 101.8 [101.7 320.6 15.6577
DLT 1036 1102.5 0320.1 [1.051
[Our Method[102.9 [100.4 [320.7 [4.8956 (*) |
Table 2
Rotate Angle( °) Position Par. (mm)
0 A T tl T2 t3
Yakimov. [-0.193 [15.451 10.838 -308.56 1276.51 |-1275.51
Tsai -0.188 [15.613 10.843 -308.31 [1276.03 |-1275.55
DLT -0.180 |15.226 [0.894 -308.48 1276.21 |-1275.25
Our Method|-0.185 |15.268 10.876 -308.32 [1276.04 |-1275.53
Intrinsic Par. (pixel) Dis. Par (1 07$,
Uo Vo f kl
Yakimov. [255.91 |251.05 |1279.44 |-
Tsai 256.07 |243.11 |1273.45 |19.655
DLT 255.58 |248.41 |1281.04 124.813
Our Method |255.94 (241.79 |1277.81 |58.766(*)
Table 3
Rotate Angle( ? ) Position Par. (mm)
O A T tl T2 a
Yakimov. [0.32031 |0.671134 |-0.81435 |620.1516 |516.1162 |825.9164
Tsai 0.31988 [0.675613 |-0.82147 |621.0311 |516.0393 |825.5547
DLT 0.32180 [0.669961 |-0.81994 [620.9882 |516.1237 |825.5553
Our Method |0.31895 [0.668682 |-0.81769 [620.9824 [516.0457 |825.1373
Intrinsic Par. (pixel
ntrinsic Par. (pixel) Dis Par (107$,
Uo Vo f kl
Yakimov. [260.012 |251.733 [1614.44 |-
Tsai 257.973 |253.622 [1625.45 [149.158
DLT 251.584 |258.017 [1609.04 [114.136
Our Method [259.947 [251.588 [1617.81 |258.563(*)
(* The value of distortion parameter is a mean value of several lines)
D) Remarks and Conclusions
An approach for calibrating camera is proposed here. We
result in following conclusions from experimental results:
(1) From the result of simulation, the calibration parameters in
our approach are close to others (Table 1).
(2) From the result with the real data, the solved calibration
parameters using our approach are close to Tsai method, and a
little far Yakimovskyy method (Table 2, Table 3).
In a word, We adopt the straight lines instead of the points as
our calibration landmarks, and utilize the geometric information
of the straight lines to accomplish the camera calibration. The
advantages can be summarized as follows:
(a) Without known the equations of straight lines and
coordinates of any control points, the interior and rotation
parameters can be determined.
(b) The computational process is linear, without any iteration
and initiated values.
(c) Orthogonal constrains about three axes are considered:
(d) Distortions are rectified using straight line geometry.
Fig. 5. Artificial image. Fig. 6. Real Image. Fig. 7. Real image.
4.2 GEMS-based Object Reconstruction Using LP
A) Representation of object in GEMS
SIVE is also required to locate and reconstruct 3D industrial
objects. We developed a GEMS-based object reconstruction
using line photogrammetry. So-called GEMS is a CAD system
developed by CAD research group of department of computer
science and technology at Tsinghua university (Sun 1989, 1990,
Ren 1991). In GEMS, object representation is to combine CSG
and Boundary represent (B-rep). CSG represents each complex
object by geometric transformations (shift, rotation, and scale).
Boolean set operators including two-tuple operators
(intersection, merger, and difference), and mono-tuple operators
(rotation, SC?
represent vari
operator (Fig.
This repre
distinct. But i
has a good efl
object. In B-
every surface
vertex. B-pre
topology info
The geon
characters of
surface, suc
x = R cos(6
topologic ini
relation of the
the object yie
ED -
Fig. 9. Ol
Our recon
each industri
primitives, a
curves, planz
parametric ec
In the foll
location of
are establishe
B) Mathemai
scene (Fig.
feature are e;