Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

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le 8, table 9, 
table 10. Figures 19a, 19b, 20a, 20b, 21a, 21b are their stereo 
Figures 19c, 20c, 21c are their 3D reconstruction 
(4) The geometric elements (radius, height, other parameter) 
of the complex object are shown in table 11. Figures 22a, 22b 
are a stereo pair. Figure 22c is its 3D reconstruction. 
Table 4 (Cube) (T. = theoretic, C. = Calculable, and V. = Value.) 
Length (mm) Width (mm) Height (mm) 
T.V. | C.V. T. V. CN. T. V. C. V. 
1000.0 | 999.983 1000.0 | 1000.066 | 1000.0 1000.107 
Table 5 (sphere) Table 6 (Cylinder) 
Radius (mm) Radius Height 
TV. CV. T. V. 3| iC. V. T. Vood c.v. 
800.0 | 799.9906 600.0 | 599.9391 800.0 | 800.3074 
Table 7 (Spheroid) 
Semi major axis (A) | Semi medium axis(B) | Semi minor axis (C) 
T.V. CN. T.V. C. V. T.V. C V. 
1200.0 |1200.001 | 400.00 400.002 1000.0 | 999.9353 
Table 8 (intersection of plane and cylinder) 
Radius A’ B' D' 
T.V. IC. V... ]- T. V. LEN. T.V. L.C. V. Ta Madbe Vs 
800.0 | 800.01 | - 0.50 |- 0.501 |-0.50 |-0.5096 | 1000.0] 1000.1 
Table 9 (intersection of sphere and sphere) 
Big sphere radius Small sphere radius | Height 
Tal C. V. T. V3) CV. avi CV. 
800.0 |799.9918 | 400.0 | 400.0991 100.0 | 100.0732 
Table 10 (intersection of cylinder and cylinder) 
Big cylinder radius S. cylinder radius Height 
TV. c. V. T. V. C. V. T. Vaud c. V. 
600.00 600.0076 | 450.00 | 450.0398 | 0.00 -0.06732 
Table 11 (a complex object ) 
Primitive | Parameters D. V.| CV 
Name Name (mm) | (mm) 
length 600.0 | 600.019 
Cube width 400.0 | 399.815 
height 200.0 | 199.992 
up radius 100.0 | 100.101 
down radius 200.0 | 200.203 
height 300.0 | 299.901 
Frustum Xo | 0.00 |- 
of cone | translation | Yo | 0.00 |- 
arameters | Zo | 0.00 |- 
F 10.00 |- 
rotation V 10.00 |- 
parameters | K |0.00 |- 
radius 100.0 | 99.989 
height 300.0 | 299.331 
Xo | 0.00 |- 
(Hole) | translation | Yo [0.00 |- 
Cylinder | parameters | Zo | 0.00 |- 
F | 0.00 l|- 
rotation V 10.00 
parameters |K | 0.00 
(Continue table 11) 
Parameter First cylinder (mm) Second cylinder 
Names D.V. M. V. D.V. M. V. 
| Radius 200.00 | 199.694 | 100.00 99.889 
| Height 200.00 [199.896 | 200.00 200.218 
0.00 0.01 200.00 200.031 
Transfer 0.00 0.14 200.00 
0.00 0.26 -200.00 -200.307 
0.00 - 0.00 - 
Rotate 0.00 - 0.00 - 
0.00 - 0.00 - 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 15. A cube and its reconstruction. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 16. A sphere and its reconstruction. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 17. A cylinder and its reconstruction. 
(a) (b) 
Fig. 18. A spheroid and its reconstruction . 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 19. A plane and a cylinder intersection and its reconstruction. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 20. A sphere and a sphere intersection and its reconstruction. 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 21. A cylinder and a cylinder intersection and its reconstruction 
(where: Great Cylinder Equitation X-Rcos(u), Y-Rsin(u), Z-t, Small 
Cylinder Equitation X=R'cos(u), Y=t', Z=R'sin(u), Central axis for 
small cylinder is consistent with y-axis of great cylinder). 
(a) (b) (c) 
Fig. 22. A complex object and its reconstruction. 
Experiments: Three groups of real datum (images) are tested. 
The first group is composed of an object; the second image has 
three objects; and the third image contains many objects. The 
size of images is 512X512 pixels with 8 biU/256 gray level. 
These industrial parts are designed by GEMS system, and then 
are manufactured in factory. Finally these objects are put in 
experimental platform. Three groups of real images are captured 
by CCD camera (type: COSMICAR) when the cameras was 

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