Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

author was Mister A or Mister B". 
WHERE SubprjID = 2 
AND Autor = 'Mister A’ 
CAD-Interface Hilfe zur 
different | (BDBLink) Bilddatenbank 3.01 OR Autor z 'Mister B' 
> have to | à; There are much more features about SQL. To discuss 
lure of 1 all of them would exceed this excurse. For further 
fining two | te sf shox README 1ST information on SQL a wide range of literature is 
the other ] am available. 
e and the 1 
5 contains 
le, a date 4. THE IMAGE DATABASE 
is part of Figure 4 
between The image database consists of four different 
tion. This applications. The BDB-Explorer, the BDB-Browser 
able may 3.3 Questions & Answers (part of the BDB-Explorer), the BDB-Filebox and the 
jecttable. CAD-interface. The following paragraphs will 
A great advantage of a data based application is it's introduce these applications. 
Jes which ability to get the informations the user wants to have. — ; 
e defined To create those information sets you need a tool that 
ion to the allows you to generate specific queries on the 
datasets. This tool is called "structured query 
language (SQL)". The structured query language uses 
ie have to basic keywords. By the combination of those 
yrmations keywords you can create complex queries on the 
lages are database. A possible query on the image database 
ble". The could be: "Show me all image numbers from 
age data subproject x, where the data quality fits to bundle 
sponding adjustment.” As a SQL statement you get: "SELECT 
ed a 1:1 - * FROM Image.db, subproject.db WHERE img, qual 
= bundle_adjustement" 
ored in a The introduced relational database model guarantees 
> type of consistent and non redundant datasets. Beside the Figure 5 
ammetric relational database structure you need a database 
table". An language to achieve access on datasets, result sets 
à dataset. and selection sets. The most spreaded database 4.1 The BDB-Explorer 
language is the "Structured Query Language (SQL) ". 
ndencies SQL has achieved a widely accepted industry — The BDB-explorer is the main program of the image 
2d. As we standard. database. It offers the user all tools and routines to 
ature. To manage and handle the data of the image database. 
| use this The SQL language contains instructions for data ^ Because of the hierarchical order the BDB-explorer 
lis means definition, data selection, data manipulation and data follows in it’s design the concept of the well known 
je feature administration. Every access on datasets follows a Windows 95 explorer. 
store the quantity orientated design at what all operations from 
je. So we relational algebra can be used. Especially on queries sms mm 
n for one about related datasets SQL offer a mighty tool to get f dz —3.- 93 «se» daa 
re is no the special information. m a à à à à 
For example: If you would like to filter all the images qe 
sferentiell which belong to one special subproject (ID = 2)the 5 uer 
needs a SQL statement be issued to: PORNOS 
when the "SELECT * FROM Image.DB ; 
ique also WHERE SubprjlD = 2 
n deleting The "select instruction” used in this sample always 
nes. For creates a result set which can be used for further SQL 
)u have to Statements. SQL statements which refer to other SQL sde SR Re ee 
to this statements are called "sub queries. By using logical 
/ can be operators in the "where" instruction part of the Figure 6 
d to this statement you can filter datasets which attributes 
| 4 shows have to fit in more than just one feature. According to — The treeview of the BDB-explorer shows the master- 
e image the statement above a possible query could be: and it's corresponding subprojects, the listview 
"Show me all the images from subproject 2 where the 
contains the images which belong to one subproject. 

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