Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

3 PROJECTS have been chosen to provide a safety margin. In all 3.2 Powde 
projects access to the object was limited to a few days so 
Table 1 summarizes the technical data of three practical that possible problems in orientation and object For momurr 
applications. The relatively high number of established ^ reconstruction had to be avoided in advance. the historic 
control points, as well as the number of acquired images generated. 
form of a C 
Workshop hall | Powder Tower | Pont Adolphe Main Station control poin 
Local object recording the buildinc 
dimensions [m] 100 x 60 x 8 12x 12x 10 180 x 15 x 60 120 x 30 x 38 object inclu 
Year 1994 1994 1995 1997 using a hy 
Lenses 40mm 40mm 60mm, 150mm | 60mm Oldenburg 
control points 29 40 80 34 
control point accuracy 5mm 1-3mm 10mm 2-3mm 3-D Point 
acquired images 60 96 250 96 performed t 
processed images 60 48 155 45 ae 
image scales 21:700 1:100 - 1:300 1:300 - 1:500 1:470 - 1:650 
Digitization HP Scandet lic HP ScanJet llc HP ScanJet llc Agfa DuoScan 
pixel size 23um 19um 21um 13um 
image size 2400 x 2400 2800 x 2800 2700 x 2700 4320 x 4320 
total amount of data 330 MB 368 MB 1080 MB 1710 MB 
Bundle triangulation CAP CAP Nawe-Opt, CAP__| PHIDIAS-MS 
object points approx. 300 approx. 60 approx. 330 40 
mean image accuracy 12um 12um 16um 7.5um 
mean object accuracy 1-2cm « 1.5mm « 10mm 5mm 
object points approx. 10000 approx. 32000 approx. 4500 approx. 800 
mean object accuracy 2-3cm <3-5mm 2-4cm 3-6mm 
Table 1: Technical project data 
3.1 Workshop hall 1 Hinman We n AE Em RODELL 
CAD-oriented information and planning systems for wn zi 
workshop management require geometric data of the FR 
workshop environment, manufacturing facilities, machine 
positions and supply networks. Together with Deutsche 
Aerospace DASA at Varel the ability of photogrammetric 
data collection for the 3-D reconstruction of a workshop 
floor has been investigated (Harms et.al. 1994). Using 
PHIDIAS 1.0 / InfoCAD for this project (Figure 5) a 
complete 3-D model has been produced (Figure 4 and 
Figure 6). 
Due to the architecture of the hall, the acquired images 
were mainly taken from the longitudinal aisles in the hall. 
The final image configuration was therefore laid out in aT ei 
strips, leading to a weak configuration in some parts of 
the block. The following orientation problem could be 
solved by a number of additional control points. 
Figure 4: CAD model of the processed workshop hall 
Figure 6: Rendered view of the workshop floor 

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