A testfield with known control points is mounted below the
production line. Between two measurement cycles the
system can be oriented again. For the control points
circular alluminum targets are used which are relatively
robust against mechanical disturbances. Retro-reflective
targets can not be used in this environment.
2.3 Software Components
The system is running under Microsoft NT 4.0. The
control software has been developed under Borland
Delphi 3.0 which is able to integrate C-written procedures
and libraries such as standard software for image
3.2 Camera Model
Processing of analog video imagery yields to significant
problems in image geometry. Line jitter and image affinity
are well known (Beyer 1992). Standard TV lenses often
do not meet photogrammetric requirements and have
significant orders of radial and decentric distortion (Fryer
For this application the following set of parameters is
used to describe camera geometry:
image coordinates with respect to
X'=Xp—X es ;
the principle point
X"=x+A 7 image coordinates corrected by
p m MR frame grabber affinity whereby
ye y Ava hen ie tg
Ay aff =0
The correction terms Ax' and Ay' are functions of
different distortion effects. Radial-symmetric distortion is
defined by
" " AF n " " Ar? n
Ax sym — X Ay sym — RL dren (2)
r r
Ar P Arr, d) Aor (n 1M) A, r'(r* 6)
and r^image radius
ro: Second zero-crossing
Decentering distortion is given by
Ax", = B, (rh 239 24, 2D Xy" (3)
Ay" = B, Ar? +2 py"? )* 2B, x". y"
The complete correction terms of image coordinates is
Xx" Ax! AX!
sym asy 4
y2J" -Ay tA e
This model is well-proven for different kind of
photogrammetric cameras such as analog film cameras
or digital still-video cameras (Godding 1995). In the case
of low-cost video cameras, analog signal transfer and
separate video digitizing the model yields to the following
All parameters of interior orientation are defined with
respect to the principle point, which should be the point of
auto-collimation. This is true for most cameras where the
the projection center is very close to the optical axis. In
the case of large offsets in the principle point position the
parameters of radial distortion 4j, A», and the parameters
of affinity and sheering, C;, C» are highly correlated with
the coordinates of the principle point x s, y 'o.
In order to determine the parameters of interior
orientation by self-calibrating bundle adjustment it is
nessecary to introduce an a priori correction to the
principle point coordinates. lteratively the measured
image coordinates are corrected by the residuals of
bundle adjustment until the whole system becomes
Figure 5: Distortion in original video image
Figure 6: Video image corrected for distortion
Figure 5 ant
large radial
after self-ca
3.3 Testfie
The CCD-c
images of tf
point and e
7), the ob:
corrected i
interior orie
system rea
step of ce
variations ii
much pooré
100 4
50 4
-50 4
radial distortion dr’ [um]
-100 4
-150 -
The me
4m) has I
result is ec
meets the |
4.2 Point
The measi
accuracy f
(e.g. Luhi
analysis al
in the im
where the
of the e»
accuracy t
the pixel si
4.3 Edge
The actu