Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

Table 1 Output Example 
Time Final Site ABC Elevat ion (mm) 0.0 Judgment 
No. 1234 Equipment | 72kGIS Allowance(X, Y) (mm) +2.0 | Good is © 
Object Base Allowance(Z) (mm) +2.0 | No Good is | X 
Base Type Base Plate Position Judgem Worker Memo 
No. X (mm) Y (mm) Z (mm) ent Date 
Design -1750.0 11835.0 0.0 YOKOYAMA 
1 Measure -1750.0 1184.0 1.0 C) 98/03/18 
Diff. 0.0 -1.0 1.0 
Design -1750.0 10885. 0 0.0 YOKOYAMA 
2 Measure 17503 10885. 0 0.5 C) 98/03/18 
Diff. -0.3 0.0 0.5 
Design -17 |. 8475. 0 0.0 YOKOYAMA 
3 aene. pes OO lines 98/03/18 
AR a 
1e serial The measurement results recorded in the controller of measuring time increases a little by always comparing 
easuring total station are transferred to the computer through the the measured value with the design value while 
o design serial interface. measurement is under way. 
sition is In the document, the date of measurement, name of site 
Also, by and name of person in charge of measurement are put. Table 2 Comparing Work Time 
cy, it is And, the measured value and design value, discrepancy (Unit : Hour) 
between both values can be printed out. Table 1 shows Method | New System | Hand Work 
; the output example. The document and the | tem (Hour) (Hour) 
Reading Design Value 0.02 3 
measurement data are kept in custody as the records of 
the execution of work. Measurement of 4.33 4 
Base Plate 
Measurement again 0 1 
Output Document Q.clid 3 
4. Confirmation of Effect 
Total Time 4.5 2 11 
possible to display only a case where the discrepancy 
has exceeded the allowable value and while measuring, 
it is possible to compare the design value of the base 
position with the measured value. 
3.4 Output of Results 
The effect secured by the system was confirmed at the 
site with 50 bases as an object. Table 2 shows a 
comparison in the work time between this system and 
conventional system. Comparing a case where the 
reading of design value and the preparation of document 
have been done by a hand work, a great reduction of the 
work time has been accomplished in the case where this 
system has been applied. In addition to the effect 
brought about by automating the reading work of the 
design value or the preparation of document, another 
effect by which an error in measurement has been 
decreased successfully is also contributing though the 

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