Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998 
Archaeological 3D GIS for Virtual Museum in Damascus 
Yoshito MIYATSUKA,* Xiaoyong CHEN, **and Yasuhiro TAKAHASHI*** 
*Director, **Sinner engineer, ***Engineer, Division of System Archaeological Survey 
13-16, Tamura-cho, Atsugi city, Kanagawa pref., 243-0016 
E-mail: sysarch@gol.com 
Commission V, Working Group 3 
KEY WORDS: Archaeology, Architecture, Cavity Monitoring System (Laser Range Finder), Texturing, Virtual Museum 
The measurement of old architecture or the stone chamber in the mound tombs is very difficult. In Japan, it was used stereo 
photogrammetry or measurements by man themselves, but, these methods are needed much time and many steps to make 
maps. The land developments are increasing, the old architectures are also hearted year by year. In these conditions, the 
measurements of these archaeological or architectural monuments are needed for preservations or reconstruction. Out side 
views measurement of these monuments are comparatively easier than inside of architectures and stone cambers. It is 
important that the measurement about the inside of these monument is found and established the real-time or rapid systems. 
In this paper, we developed new measurement for the inside of archaeological or architectural monuments using laser range 
finder and CAD system. 
1, INTRODUCTION developed for the measurement of the cavity monitoring. 
Then, this system is called Cavity Monitoring System (CMS). 
Since the Ho-Ryu Ji (Es) Temple is registered at World That is able to measure each 20 points per second, and 280 
Cultural Heritage, the measurement of old architectures are degrees in horizon angle, 360 degrees in vertical angle. 
increasing for the preservation or reconstruction. The other 
hand, the measurements of the inside of stone chambers in 
mound tombs also increasing before constructions that land 
development are increasing, in Japan. 
The measurements of these cultural remains were used 
stereo photogrammetry or sketched by surveyor themselves. 
But, these methods were needed much time and many steps 
to make maps. 
2-1, Laser Range Finder Measurement 
The stereo photogrammetry needs stereo photos or images to 
make to maps, and needs many steps and expensive hard 
wares, for examples, plotting machines, etc. 
And also, the stone cambers in mound tombs in Japan, the 
width of stone cambers are become narrower to the top. 
Then, we could not take pictures if we could not take fully 
distance from the objects, we needed many stereo pea photos 
or images to make maps. 
The laser range finder, made by Optech Inc. in Canada, was Fig.-1 Cavity Monitoring System 

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