As can be seen in the figure, the triangulated surface has an
irregular mesh structure and contains regions with a low
density (eyes, eyebrows). These problems will be dis-
cussed in the third paragraph of this paper.
2.5. Visualisation
The results can be visualised as a rendered model of the
face (Figure 11). No filters are applied to smooth the sur-
face and no interpolation between points is done, the figure
shows raw data. The peaks and discontinuities of the sur-
face represent measuring errors. One aim of the future
work is measurements without errors or an automatic re-
moval of the errors.
Fig. 11: Model of the face
A photorealistic visualisation can be achieved by draping
the natural texture of the face over the 3D model (Figure
Fig. 12: Photorealistic visualisation
The purpose of the system which we are developing is the
measurement of human faces for facial surgical interven-
tion forecasts. The measurement of the face of a patient be-
fore and after the surgical intervention is then required.
Figure 13 shows an example of the face models of a patient
before and after surgery.
Fig. 13: Left: before, right: after surgical intervention
As can be seen in figures 11 and 13, measuring errors oc-
cur. Three different causes can be distinguished. Firstly, in
regions where the texture is insufficient because of the
darkness (e.g. eyebrows) or because of the brightness (e.g.
regions with strong reflection) the matching process fails
so that the meshed surface contains areas without meas-
ured points (Figure 10). A second problem appears in re-
gions where the projected random texture is not well
focused. In this case the matching process cannot give
good results. This problem can be solved by using lenses
with aperture for the projectors, that will give a larger
depth of field. However, problems will remain in regions
where the two projections overlap. The third problem of
the matching process occurs in places where big differenc-
es between the template and the search images exist (e.g.
sides of the nose, the lateral extremes of the face). This is
due to the convergent arrangement of the cameras and to
topology of the human face. The use of two more cameras
or a more accentuated lateral disposition of the five camer-
as could remove this problem.
A photogrammetric method for the measurement of human
faces with high accuracy has been described. The project
is in the development stage and many improvements of the
system can be envisioned. Among these, the most signifi-
cant could be the implementation of a multi-image geo-
metrically constrained matching algorithm (Grün, 1988),
which should reduce the matching errors. A second im-
provement of the method could be the introduction of an
automatic generation of the seed points, thus increasing the
automation level of the system. Thirdly, a real 3-D triangu-
lation of the surface has to be implemented or added to the
existent method. Until now only a 2.5-D triangulation is
computed: the mesh is generated with the projection of the
points onto the x,y plane. A definition of an "intelligent"
smooth filter to apply to the modeled surface could remove
the remainin
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