1 and Sp we obtain the
yz as:
-xyz to O-XYZ with the
or à we get N as:
9 65:)
yosin 6
'ee components of N on
direction cosines or the
ally use six parameters
ctor ) to describe it. Take
and (a, B, y ) as the
oquation can be written
te of any one point on L,
or of (X, Y, Z).
om, C is often chosen the
B,y) one unit vector.
' of plane S-I-L, we have
Nz (Zs-Zc) - 0
it line in the object space
4. From last section we
e straight line L’ and its
re in one plane. N' is the
s the nearest point on L'
ld coordinate system O-
by the both planes S-L
vector of L". From the
we know that L" passes
| the image plane, which
is defined by all parallel lines of L. As mentioned above,
N and N’ are both perpendicular to L and L’. So the
vector N" can be obtained by the cross-product of N and
N° (ie. N” = N x N’ see figure 2).
/ MI
Figure 2. Geometric Constrains Between Two Lines
Now take the normalization forms of these direction
vectors we get three unit vectors of L, L' and L^ as:
IysIyzry (9)
Where I, I' and I" are the unit direction vectors of L, L'
and L” respectively.
In ( 9 ) there are three unkonwns @, ®, K and four
observed values 0, op, 60',p'. Now we get the basic
mathematical equations to calculate the focal length
and the attitude of camera as following:
I”=F,-(0, op, 0’, p’, 9, œ, x) (10)
N'-Fe(0,0,0' p', 9, ®, K) (11)
Where, F = function of0, p, 0',p', P,œ and x.
Horizontal Situatà
When L and L’ are horizontal lines, their components
projected on the Z-axis of the world coordinate system
equal zero. This case is true because these horizontal
lines abound in the man-made scene. Thus ( 11 ) can be
written as:
N°7(0, p, 0°, p’, 9,œ,K)=0 (12)
Vertical Si ;
Similar to ( 12 ), when L and L’ are vertical lines, we
will get two equations as:
N°x(0, p, 0’, p’, 9,0, x)=0
N”’y(0, pop, 0’, p’, Q,®, K)=0
2.3. Calculation of the Focal Length and the Attitude of
To keep the mathematical model as general as
possible, it is assumed that the unknown parameters
have a priori measured values and approximated
values. This will contribute to the following:
X? - AX-X
where, L?, V, and L = observations, residuals, and
adjustments matrices for the observations (0, p, 8°,
X?, AX, and X - approximates, corrections, and
adjustments matrices for the unknown parameters ( @,
®, €, and f).
After linearizing ( 12 ) and ( 18 ) by Newton's first-
order approximation, and assuming that more than
three pair of parallel lines, which can be horizontal or
vertical, are available in the object space, the
mathematical model can be written in the following
matrix form by combining ( 12 ), ( 13 ), and ( 14 ):
AV+BAX+W=0 (15)
where, A = residual coefficient matrix of V;
B = correction coefficient matrix of AX;
W = the constant column matrix.
The least-square solution to this model results in the
following normal equation:
AX = -(B"(APA")"B)!B"(AP-AT)"W (16)
Where P = weight matrix corresponding to the
observations L.
The calculation must be done iteratedly until to the
allowance error.
2.4. . Calculation of the Position of Camera
After the attitude of camera have been obtained the
normal vectors of all planes are known. From equation
( 8 ) we see, only the camera position parameters are
unknown. To calculate the three unknown parameters
we only need three control lines, which are all not in
the same plane. The solution equations are:
Nx,(Xs-Xc,) + Ny,(Ÿs-Yc,) + Nz, (Zs-Zc,) = 0
Nx,(Xs-Xc,) + Ny,(Ÿs-Yc,) + Nz,(Zs-Zc,) = 0 (17)
Nx,(Xs-Xc;) + Ny,(Ÿs-Yc,) + Nz,(Zs-Zc,) = 0
As previously mentioned, the systemic errors such as
lens distortions and scale difference of two directions of
one pixel must be corrected before the determining task.
The calibration method requires completion of following
major tasks:
€ Image smoothing filter.