Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998 
Jacques DEBIE 
Ministére de la Région wallonne 
Division du Patrimoine DGATLP 
1,rue des Brigades d'Irlande B-5100 Jambes Namur 
Tel. 3281332389 fax.3281332382 
E-mail: D. Herman@mrw.wallonie.be 
The putting up of a new departement of topography and photogrammetry belonging to the 
Ministry of the Region of Wallonia in charge of Walloon heritage has given us the 
Museum opportunity to use modern methods of spatial surveys since 1991. 
The Region of Wallonia is located at the North of France , between Germany at the East and 
the Regions of Brussels and Flanders at the North and West sides of Belgium that is at a 
crossroad of major historical events in West Europe. 
There are only 265 km between the two most distant towns of Wallonia but it counts some 
2667 monuments, 1155 sites and 27 architectural complexes. There are also about 40 
permanently opened archaeological sites. [ 
The needs in metric documentation about monuments are important. | | 
Metric documentation, along with other types of documents, allows the Walloon historian to | 
trace back the evolution and history of a monument. Also, metric documentation allows the 
archaeologist to understand the very process of his own investigation on the field and to 
understand the history and function of his study matter. 
Topographic and photogrammetric works are asked for by the heads of the Department of 
Heritage or by local archaeological and historical societies subsidized by the Department. 
seum Although the Department had at the beginning a complete station and softwares for drawings 
assisted by a computer, its only from 1994 that the Department has been equiped with a 
photogrammetry stereorestituting system. However, the Department had acquired in 1992 a 
semi-metric camera 
Leica R5 (format 24x36). The aim was to archive metric images of monuments or 
archaeological sites in order to be able to restitute in a undetermined lapse of time after, these 
images in photogrammetric exploitation system with a precision degree that seemed sufficient 
at that time. 
It was thought that Elcovision system and a DVP station could be bought then. 
However the temporary loan of a semi-metric camera Hasselblad and the more demanding 
requests on behalf of our Department (as far as the complexity of subjets was concerned) has 
made us reorient our policy in acquiring metric data. 
The 6x6 basic format was chosen basing that choice on the former experience of the Ministry 
of Public Works that had used that format in the 80's for his close-range photogrammetric 
The Hasselblad semi-metric camera had be chosen for the easiness of taking shots, the image 
A Study on definition, and its perfect compatibility with analytical restituting systems that were 
Sites using becoming more and more popular that time. 
\rchives of 
XXI, PartB5, 

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