nanagement or [P Existing data | | Capture of new data ad
ta in a complex | i
tained separately | | Cadastral | | Image Database |
tencies. A fine |
| that since the | v j Y
IPHAN and the | | IPHAN | | Municipality | Photographic Photogrammetric
ons are collected |
ig the data that | Database Database
can be identified
surveyor team or |
not satisfactorily |
n Relational DBMS A | orthophotos | | Textured
isis was another |
cartography of |
nade the Institute V
| means (manual Y
? not reliable E: 2D Geographic Information System «— Virtual World a
pe were correct.
1 with other data |
ter, topographic | WWW - Database Query
Figure 1 — Flowchart showing the construction of the 2D and 3D Information Systems.
sh efficiency and
gher the costs of
and; restrict the
n-existence of a | ? T Ce E
Js makes it not | | Gerenciador de Banco de Dados para Laguna
ent databases). |
atabank updating |
of an out of date
nation System is
from a study of
tate-of-the-art of
ntly with our low-
and the possible
n a geotechnical
will explain the
ion Systems for
f the RDBMS,
ents of the 3D-
RDBMS was to
hat every unit of
d. This key was
s key, present in
ase, integrating
y included four
ct, sector, block,
Figure 2 — IPHAN's database screen at the RDBMS