Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

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International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998 
Tsutomu KAKIUCHI, Hirofumi CHIKATSU 
Department of Civil Engineering 
Tokyo Denki University 
Hatoyama, Saitama, 350-0394 
E-mail: kaki@g.dendai.ac.jp 
Commission V, Working Group IC V/Ill 
KEY WORDS: Auto-tracking, Real-time Positioning, Image Sequence, Moving Object, Video Theodolite 
The authors have been concentrating on developing a auto-tracking and real-time positioning system using a motorized 
video theodolite. The most remarkable points of the video theodolite system are its ability to obtain the camera rotation 
parameters and to calculate a object position in real-time while tracking a moving object. 
For the further application of the video theodolite system to a monitoring system or navigation system for robot, 
construction machine, traffic flow and human behavior, a test was performed using a radio-controlled car moved 
irregularly on the ground. 
This paper describes auto-tracking and real-time positioning techniques using the motorized video theodolite system. 
Auto-tracking and real-time positioning for a moving object 
is particularly expected in a monitoring system or 
navigation system for robot, construction machine and 
ship. Bayer, et al.(1984) developed realtime positioning 
system using an electronic camera mounted on a 
motorized theodolite. However, a CCD camera or CMOS 
camera recorded in real time has been expected to become 
a useful tool in various digital photogrammetric fields. 
The concept of a video theodolite using a CCD camera was 
first published in Huang and Harley (1989) for automated 
camera calibration. Test measurement was performed by 
Heck (1993) using the video theodolite LEICA TM3000V to 
get a position of a moving object. 
The authors have been concentrating on developing a 
video theodolite system consisting of a CCD camera, a 
theodolite and a video recorder where the camera rotation 
parameters can be determined in real-time while recording 
a moving object. The current values of the rotation 
parameters are continuously superimposed on image 
frames and thus recorded as a part of the image data 
(Chikatsu and et al., 1994). The effectiveness of the video 
theodolite system for dynamic analysis of human motion 
has been demonstrated (Chikatsu and Murai, 1995, 
Chikatsu and et al., 1996) and the application of the video 
theodolite system to the ski jump also has been 
demonstrated (Chikatsu and et al., 1997). For the further 
application of the video theodolite system to a monitoring 
system or navigation system for robot, construction 
machine, traffic flow and human behavior, a test was 
performed using a radio-controlled car in this paper. 
Figure 1 shows the motorized video theodolite (SOKKIA, 
MET2NV) used in this investigation. CCD 1, the upper one 
in the figure 1, is used for precise pointing to the target 
through the monitor, and CCD 2, the lower one, is used as 
a finder. In order to take wide scene, CCD 2 camera was 
mainly used in this paper. 
Figure 1 Mortorized video theodolite 

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