Full text: Real-time imaging and dynamic analysis

International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol. XXXII, Part 5. Hakodate 1998 
S. Robson, 
Department of Geomatic Engineering 
University College London, WC1E 6BT 
Telephone: +44 171 504 2740 
Email: S.Robson @ ge.ucl.ac.uk 
M.A.R. Cooper and R.N. Taylor 
Department of Civil Engineering, City University 
London, EC1V OHB 
Telephone: + 44 171 477 8967 
Email: R.N.Taylor@city.ac.uk 
Commission V, Working Group IC WG V/III 
KEY WORDS: Image Sequences, Geotechnical Engineering, Deformation Monitoring. 
The application of digital imaging to the two dimensional measurement of deformations in soil models undergoing 
experimentation in a geotechnical centrifuge is increasing. Typically a single camera is used to image, through a window, 
targets located in the side of a soil sample. Digital image measurement and analysis techniques of varying sophistication 
and geometric fidelity are then used to compute displacement information from the sequence of images. A number of 
discrete displacement transducers are also used to provide information concerning changes in shape of the soil surface 
during the experiment. This paper describes a new complementary system incorporating multiple CCD cameras that can 
be used to measure many hundreds of 3D locations on the upper surface of the soil. The paper focuses on the imaging 
system, calibration procedures and 3D target co-ordination and registration algorithms necessary to compute reliable 
surface information in the harsh centrifuge environment. 
In order to understand the detailed behaviour of 
geotechnical events and processes it is important to be 
able to observe how soils respond to load. Single element 
testing apparatus can be used to investigate the stress- 
strain behaviour of soil when subjected to particular stress 
paths. However, the response of geotechnical structures 
is the integrated effect of a large number of soil elements 
each following their own particular stress path. It is 
therefore of major importance to be able to measure 
displacements and hence strains during real geotechnical 
events. Instrumentation of prototype structures can yield 
valuable results, but much more can be learned from 
comprehensive test series on small-scale geotechnical 
The behaviour of geotechnical structures can be studied 
using physical models, the main requirement being to 
create in the model stress profiles corresponding to those 
in the prototype. This can be achieved by accelerating 
small-scale (1:n) models to n times earth’s gravity using a 
geotechnical centrifuge. Thus a 10 m layer of soil can be 
represented by a 10 cm deep model of the same soil 
accelerated to 100g because the reality and the model will 
then experience the same self weight stresses at 
homologous points. 
Centrifuge testing allows the study of geotechnical 
processes in scaled models with properly established 
scaling laws relating the model to the corresponding 
prototype. Particularly valuable are measured movements 
in vertical sections of plane models that can be observed 
through a perspex window in the sidewall of a model 
container. These subsurface deformations can be 
compared directly with those from finite element 
predictions and can be used to test and improve 
constitutive models of soil behaviour. 
In order to monitor such movements, the technique 
commonly adopted is to place markers or targets in the 
soil face that is in contact with the window. A single CCD 
camera vision metrology system allows these targets to 
be viewed during centrifuge flight (Figure 1). Thus, by 
measuring the position of these targets in the resultant 
sequence of calibrated digital images, displacements in 
the model can be determined. Such measurements of 2D 
soil movements are accepted as an appropriate technique 
(Allersma, 1991; Ethrog, 1994). A model width is typically 
of the order of 500 mm which in an experiment at 100 g 
represents a prototype distance of 50 m. The most useful 
measurements of displacement will need to have an 
accuracy of 0.01 - 0.1 mm. i.e. 1 - 10 mm. prototype 
Whilst measurements in image space are straightforward, 
utilising established circular target recognition techniques 
such as dynamic thresholding and subsequent centroiding 
(Shortis et al 1995), their transformation into object space 
defined by the plane of the soil is undertaken using a 
variety of techniques. Methods range from precise opto- 
mechanical alignment of the camera and soil plane, 
through deterministic mathematical transformations, to 
complete photogrammetric solutions employing camera 
calibration, dynamic computation of camera location, and 
a refractive model to account for the optical effects of the 
window between the camera and soil. Measurement 
precisions, in the soil plane, of between 0.05 and 0.08 mm 
are typically achieved at City University (Taylor et al, 
1998) using a mathematical model based on established 
photogrammetric procedures. 
It has become apparent during such experiments that 
some means of determining to what extent the 
measurements made in the soil plane at the window 
surface are representative of the movements throughout 
the depth of the soil. One means of at least partial 
verification is to make measurements of the soil surface 

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